Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Rabbanim in Brooklyn taking the lead from the Conference of Presidents rather than from Torah



This is our conclusion  after numerous phone calls to local Rabbanim. 

With my encouragement, Shmuel Koenig, a resident of Flatbush, NY, a long time Eretz Yisroel Activist and a supporter of Neemanei Eretz Yisroel is busy making phone calls.  He is in the forefront of raising consciousness as per an innovative and different approach to the Middle East political scene.  He and I are promoting the possibility of a  Torah Autonomy in Judea and Samaria according to Torat Yisroel living side by side with the State of Israel in peace and harmony with Ahavas Yisroel as envisioned in Yeshayahu.  Yea right, I hear you say.  You guys are dreaming.  You are not grounded in the practical and reality of today's world.  

Our response to you is that when the Torah says " לא בשמים היא" that the Torah is not in the heavens but "בפיך ובלבבך לעשותו" for us to DO IT,  we takes these words to heart.  

Shmuel has been calling up the Rabbanim and educating them about recent happenings in Judea and Samaria whereby the government is harassing and demolishing Jewish Settlement in Judea and Samaria routinely and there are many more outposts slated for demolition.  The Jewish citizens living in these outlying budding communities, also know as outposts, Maachazim, are not adequately being protected either from the Arabs and very sadly often neither from the gov't of Israel and the civil administration under the military. They are literally relying on G-d's protections day by day.  That is reality and facts on the ground.

It is clear to us based on our discussions with the local Rabbanim that the Rabbanim in Flatbush, connected with Agudath Yisroel of America as well as other mainstream Jewish Organizations hold Malcolm Hoenlein, Vice Chairman of the Conference of President of Major Jewish Organizations in very high esteem.  "He is a good guy, a frum guy..," we are told over and over again.  "He is accomplished".  They rely on his good judgment to make such calls regarding Middle East politics and being overwhelmed with whatever is on their plate they generally feel that there is really nothing that they can  personally do about what is happening in Judea and Samaria. 

So they allow Malcolm Hoenlein and the Conference of Presidents to be in the Drivers seat so to speak.  

Where is the Conference of Presidents taking us?

Malcolm Hoenlein supports a 2 State Solution in principle.  He says he agrees with the Torah of course since he is a proud Orthodox Jew but he is  "realistic".  He makes it sounds like no one else is more knowledgeable than he.  No one is more capable and no one has better qualifications to address these very complicated issues facing the Jewish people.  He sees the broader picture and expects all reasonable Jews to rely on his judgement.  And the Jews do.  The Jewish media almost always puts him in a favorable light and he is a speaker in great demand attracting overflowing  crowds.

Along comes Newt Gingrich a non Jew who speaks truth that is consistent with the reality of Torah. Not only he but Michelle Backman and Rick Santorum all leading candidates of the Republican Party.  Let us not forget Mike Huckabee and John Bolton, John McCain and other leading Republicans who see a reality quite different from Malcolm Hoenlein and the Conference of Presidents.  They are avid Bible readers and take what the Bible says to heart.  They support Jewish Settlement in Judea and Samaria and do not support demolitions of these communities.  They courageously say that the Land of Israel is Promised to the Jewish People and the Palestinians are not the rightful occupiers.   They do not speak of painful concessions.  They know what G-d says in the Torah as per who is the Chosen People for the Land of Israel.  The Jews are. They sincerely believe that the peace and prosperity of the world is dependent on keeping the Word of G-d and supporting the Jewish People and their rights to the Land of Israel. 

Yet still the Jews go in darkness following a Jewish leader whose actions remind us of the Misyavnim rather than the  Maccabeem. 

Please read the following post by Lori Lowenthal Marcus and her dismay at the recent National Service honor awarded Amb. Susan Rice by the Conference of Presidents.  Susan Rice like Malcolm Hoenlein knows how to speak to Jews. Jews are hypnotized into believing that they are on their side.  

Actions defines reality more than politically correct and empty words. 
National Conference on Jewish Affairs

NCJA Aghast at Award Given to US UN Amb. Susan Rice 

by Mainstream American Jewish Leadership Consortium

For Immediate Release
December 19, 2011

Lori Lowenthal Marcus 610.664.1184

The National Conference on Jewish Affairs (NCJA) released the following statement today:

The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice,slammed Israel in a speech at the UN Security Council that was watched by the entire world last February.  Although Rice entered the US veto against a Security Council Resolution condemning Israel building homes in areas Israel captured in a defensive war in 1967 - and this only after the US offered to sign a non-Resolution statement with the same message - Rice then conveyed in the strongest possible way both orally and with body language, that she believed the building of Jewish homes in those areas is an international crime, is the basis for the mistrust of the Arabs, and is the reason there is no peace in the region.  Rice said then that the US agrees "with fellow Council members - and indeed, with the wider world - about the folly and illegitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity," but because signing on to the Resolution might lead to a hardening of the positions of both sides, the US "therefore regrettably" vetoed the Resolution.

That was February.  And yet the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations honored Amb. Rice with its National Service Award last week.  And in doing so, they allowed Amb. Rice to reinforce a current popular meme in this election season that President Obama has been the very best friend Israel ever had.  And when accepting the Award from a Jewish audience, in a private session, Rice pointed her vitriol at the halls in which she spends her official time - the United Nations.  Instead of treating Israel to a tongue-lashing, Rice instead called Israel's disgraceful treatment at the UN "relentless," "obsessive" and "ugly."  And indeed it is.  But Amb. Rice's own attitude towards Israel within those halls has not been that of a close ally, but instead a disdainful and detached fellow member, at best.

The National Conference on Jewish Affairs calls on Amb. Rice to use the words that seemed to come so easily to her before a Jewish audience, and repeat them in the building where she has joined the cacophonous condemnation of the Jewish State.  If she does so, perhaps then Rice will prove she deserves a service award from Jewish organizations which put the treatment of Israel before domestic partisan politics. 

The National Conference on Jewish Affairs is an umbrella organization of American Jewish leaders and groups which work to uphold the American Constitution and liberty, promote a strong and safe Israel and Jewish rights in the Land of Israel, initiate positive relations with our non-Jewish friends, protect our Jewish young people in educational institutions, and assert the rights and security of Jewish People across the globe.  NCJA is adamantly opposed to making concessions to terrorists in the Middle East or anywhere else across the globe.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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