Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Gingrich unafraid to speak the truth. Analysis by Dr. Paul Eidelberg why aren't MK's speaking the Truth, additional comments by Robin Ticker why aren't Rabbanim speaking the Truth


New Gingrich unafraid to speak the truth.  Palestinians an invented people

Analysis by Dr. Paul Eidelberg:

Another Cover-up?

Newt Gingrich had the courage and intellectual integrity to say that the Palestinians are an "invented people." This being so, he cannot in good conscience advocate a "two-state solution" to the conflict between this invented people and the Jewish people of Israel.

Gingrich knows that the "Palestinians" have been led by terrorists. He knows that a large majority of these so-called Palestinians have supported these terrorist, the murderers of Jewish men women, and children.  They voted for arch terrorist Yasser Arafat knowing full well of his genocidal objectives. And they voted for Arafat's  accomplice and successor Mahmoud Abbas, who praises Arab suicide bombers as "martyrs."

But there is one truth that Gingrich (understandably) did not dare reveal, namely, the complicity of every Israel prime minister since the 1993 Israel-PLO Agreement.


Each and every one of these prime ministers has known, and has covered up, the hoax of a "Palestinian" people.  This fact logically entails another: these prime ministers are at least morally and politically responsible for the 10,000 casualties Jews have suffered as a result of that fraudulent agreement with the PLO.

Also blameworthy is the failure of any Israeli pundit or journalist to draw out the plain implications of the Gingrich exposé which reveals, as indicated, the complicity of Israeli governments: their unconscionable failure to expose the hoax in question, which has inflicted so much suffering on the Jews of Israel.  

I would have thought that more than one perceptive pundit in Israel would have called for a national commission of inquiry into the implications of the Gingrich revelation to determine whether any Israeli prime minister may be held criminally liable for the hoax under discussion.

Is another cover-up being orchestrated by Israel's ruling elites? 

In the next email Paul writes:

Are you wondering why Jewish Members of the Knesset have been mum regarding New Gingrich's revelation about the "invented people"?  Indeed, the best and brightest of the MKs can be expected to remain silent about that fictitious people because if any Jewish MK were to say a word so much as hinting at the validity of Gingrich's exposé, he would jeopardize his own political career, for he might then be asked: "Why did you fail to tell the truth about that fictitious people years ago, when you might stopped the fraudulent peace process which has cost Israel so many Jewish lives and precious Jewish land— and with no end in sight?"  The On-going Conspiracy of Silence

In the next email Dr. Eidelberg adds.

Those threatened by expulsion should organize a movement to expose the inherently undemocratic nature of Israel's system of government and how it  serves the personal  and partisan interests of the ruling elites. The Gingrich expose clearly indicates, and I have personal knowledge to illustrate, that Israel's government always knew that the |Palestinians were an "invented people,' but covered up this hoax not only out of cowardice but for secular reasons: they wanted to shatter and demoralize the religious community whose birth rate signaled the end of secular control of the State. 

      Meanwhile,as a result of the cover up and the government's deliberate policy of restraint against Arab terrorists--i.e., members of the  "invented people"--the so-called Palestinians--we suffered some 10,000 Jewish casualties (killed and wounded), and of course we lost Jewish land because of this  cover-up,
      This is the message that needs to publicized loud and clear every day and in every forum. Consult my articles on the subject--organize, and go on the offensive. And keep in mind how the political SYSTEM precludes accountability, and fosters |prime ministerial government (a soft form of despotism), and offer the constructive alternative set forth in my books and articles--and in Hebrew, Russian, and English. (For many articles on Israel's undemocratic system, consult www.i-ari,org

Questions and answers by Robin Ticker

My question remains

Q: Why don't the rabbanim speak the truth????? Why didn't the Hesder Yeshivot (institutions that combine army training with religious education)instruct the Chayalim (soldiers) under their tutelage that they must refuse orders to destroy homes and throw fellow Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaria as did Rav Melamed of Har Bracha? 

A: They are dependant on Israeli gov't stipends. Their are at risk of losing their Yeshivas financing

Then my question is:

Q: Why aren't the Rabbanim in Chutz LeAretz, the Diaspora, speaking the truth like Newt Gingrich, an American? 
 A:  Because it goes back to the Chait HaMiraglim, Sin of the Spies, whereby they would then have to admit that our place is in Eretz Yisroel and not Chutz LeAretz, the Diaspora.  Easier to say "Nisht Inzere Sugia", which translates it's really not our business.  

Q:  Maybe they are right and since we live in the Diaspora it is none of our business..  After all, our boys don't fight in the IDF and risk their lives like the Israeli's
A: The Torah was not given in Eretz YIsroel. It was given on Har  Sinai outside of Eretz Yisroel. Therefore, our Divine Heritage is not dependent on being a citizen of the State of Israel but rather on whether we are descendant from the Avot, Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov Avinu.  So it is as much our Sugia, our business, as it is those who are Israeli citizens.

Q: But still we are not living in the Land of Israel?
A: Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlev says "Wherever I travel, I travel to the Land of Israel".  Therefore, no matter whether we are, be it in Brooklyn, NY or in Australia,  our mindset is still must be Eretz Yisroel, 

Let us ask ourselves, 
Q:Why is Newt Gingrich, and American running for President of the USA speaking the truth about the Palestinians? 
A: Because he cares about America.  He knows that only the truth of the Bible and G-d's Divine will brings peace and prosperity to mankind.  
Q: Why is he not afraid of the backlash?  
A: Because he is even more afraid of living the lie and the consequences of this lie overtaking America.  He is backed by Bible believers who also know the truth by reading the Bible.

Q: Why there is so much antisemitism in the world today?
A:  First let me preface my answer with whom not to ask this question.  Don't ask Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations,  the Jewish expert on antisemitism. Malcolm Hoenlein's support for Oslo and Annapolis and a 2 State solution is part of the problem, the lie. Malcolm will not provide us with a solution. It's a conflict of interest for him. If he would really help solve anti-semitism in the world, he would be out of a job. There would longer be a need for an expert on anti-Semitism.  

(Not to worry Malcolm. If you speak the truth like Newt Gingrich, true your job might become obsolete.... but don't despair.  You can easily change  professions. You would make a fine Rebbe and  can always become expert in Torah whose reward in the world to come far exceed any profits, prestige or money accrued in your present day profession. Surely, that will also help your insomnia and sleepless nights worrying about the state of the world because of the growing anti-semitism. )

A: It is my opinion that Jews are at fault for anti-semitism.  We created a Chillul Hashem - a void regarding G-d's Name and His Divine Will.   Anti-Semitism grows as we Jews refuse to state and act on the truth. We knew the truth and still know the truth yet we are either apathetic or act in ways contrary to this knowledge of truth from G-d.  For example, the government of Israel (GOI), representing the Jewish people, continue to demolish budding Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.  The Government of Israel (GOI) continues to allow unchecked illegal Arab building.  We continue to allow hate education i Arab textbooks and we allow their elementary schools and other educational institutions  be named after suicide bombers.  We negotiate with terrorists and live the lie that they have legitimacy and that if we surrender our Land they would be peaceful.  

Case in fact:  Had we Jews faced the truth early on and addressed the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, before the leadership of CAIR transplanted itself from the Middle East to the United States, wouldn't America be a safer place today?

Conclusion:  When Israel and the Rabbinic Leadership and the people of Israel publicly proclaims the truth and acts on it, anti-semitism will dissipate and the world will be a better place.

Q: Simplistic?
A: Yes but it's Emunah Peshuta.  It requires the simple belief of a child reading the Torah that G-d keeps His Promises and Covenant to Mankind and to the Jewish People.
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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