Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Operation AIT LAASOT - Women in Green - stopping Land Grab in Judea and Samaria, HONEINIi - Defending Jewish Rights of Self Defense


Chashuva Rabbonim, Media and Friends who Love Eretz Yisroel, amv"sh

Please acknowledge, promote organizations, communities and individuals who ACT in ways that build up the Land of Israel and prevent further terror attacks against our people in Judea and Samaria and the rest of Israel.  These honored organizations include Women in Green, Honenu, Havat Gilat  , the Yishuv of Itamar  and MattotArim and many others as well.

Sent today by Women In Green:



Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) and Garin Netzer protest strongly against the outrageous action performed this morning by the Civil Administration in Sussya when they destroyed Moishele Deutsh's fields and  uprooted 3300  five year old trees.


The State is attacking its loving sons.


Anyone who searches the internet and reads about the different anti-Israeli organizations, like JAI, who help the Arabs , understands that a war on the land is being waged by the Arabs-- a tree intifada. The Arabs understand that the battle will be won on the land and not on meaningless papers of "peace".


We call upon the Civil Administration to return to its original purpose: safeguarding the land of Israel and preventing the Arabs from taking over.


Yehudit Katsover 0507161818  Nadia Matar 0505500834

From Honenu:

If you killed in self defense, would you be afraid to call the police

You would if you lived in Israel and you were a Jew and your attacker was an Arab.

At the end of January, a Jew walking in the Har Bracha region was attacked. Two Arabs from the village of Arak Burin appear in a video clip distributed by the IDF spokesman, where they can be seen threatening the Jew with rocks in their hands. Since he had no alternative, and since his life was clearly in danger, the victim fired his pistol and killed one of the attackers. See the incident caught on video.

Shortly thereafter, Judea and Samaria Division detectives began arresting and detaining residents of Samaria on suspicion of committing the act. The sole prima facie evidence connecting them to the incident is the type of weapon that they are licensed to hold, a pistol made by Glock. It need hardly be said that numerous such weapons have been licensed throughout the country.

In all cases the arrestees were released, but the Police confiscated their weapons for examination. It should be noted that these arrests occur predawn in their homes as if they were escaped criminals. The latest occurring in Itamar to the son of former IDF Chief Rabbi Avichai Ronsky, whose family was terrified thinking that the police were terrorists attempting to again murder in that community.

Even though the Police declared that this was a case of self defense the person who fired decided not to inform the Police of the incident. One could correctly assume that this is due to the arbitrary conduct of the Police and the courts in such cases. Many Jews who have been attacked are arrested and forced to remain in detention for long periods of time.

The person who fired apparently waited to hear of the arrest and imprisonment of the attackers. When no one was arrested he realized that the Police was not interested in true justice.

Advocate Adi Keidar from Honenu said of the arrest: "The conduct of the police is very strange. The Police announced that this was clearly a case of permitted use of a weapon for self defense. It is therefore unclear why the Police decided to investigate the Jews and once again ignore the criminal acts of the Arabs."

Honenu's legal defense team works non stop to ensure true justice.
There were over 470 new cases in the last 6 months.
This Passover holiday donate generously to provide FREEDOM for others.
Make Israel a better place.

P.S. Shalom Pollack, our representative, will be in the NY area from May 10 – 31 on a speaking tour. Please contact us if you can help with setting up speaking engagements or wish to be notified of his schedule.

©2011 Honenu | PO Box 2, Kiryat Arba 90100, Israel

The following link was sent to me today by Susie Dym of Mattot Arim

One-Third of PA Arabs Support Massacre of Fogels - pls distribute (press etc.). thanks. s

Chashuva Askanim,

Please engage in some personal accounting. Have you sought out these courageous Jews and Organizations knowing that enemies are surrounding them or have you turned them away from your door when they approached you?  Perhaps you have decided that there is nothing they or you can personally do that will make any difference in Yehuda and the Shomron.  Have you just given up? 

The civil rights of the residents of Yehuda and Shomron are hefker and so is their private property and belongings.  Why have we left them to fight for their homes and their security on their own.  Do we not realize that Judea and Samaria is the first stop, of terror,  on the way to us chas vechalila?

The State of Israel is working against them as per pressures of the Obama Administration.  Our American tax money is going in hundreds of millions, perhaps billions to support the PA and other terror fronts.   

Will these G-d fearing Jews not be featured in your papers or on the air or in your talks unless there is some horrific terror attack? What will it take to make their voices heard?

A personal letter to you from Robin (Faige Rayzel)

Today is 2 Nissan my Hebrew Birthday.  It is my 55th Birthday, 5 and 5 which reminds me of the 10 Luchot Habrit.  To help me celebrate this momentous Birthday, I am asking you to please give me a gift that I will treasure more than anything else in the world. 

Please do something for Yehuda and the Shomron.  Make it prominent.  (You can print that it is in honor of faigerayzel's 55th Birthday if you want but that's not important.) What is important is to put Judea and Samaria and  Jewish Rights to Eretz Yisroel literally on the map.  Emphasize our Right to Defend Ourselves on Eretz HaKodesh, Our H-ly soil.  State this  proudly  on your headline, your front pages, in your opening remarks, and/or in your Drasha in shul.

 Arab attacks do not happen in a vacuum. 

 Will what you just read sent by Women in Green and Honenu get printed in mainstream Jewish Media or get prominent space or  air time?

 Or will your space and time and promotion be  designated to organizations and individuals who excel at  memorializing  Jewish victims of Arab Terror and are expert about Egypt, Libya and Iran.  These voices are passive when the warning lights are on and they unfortunately do not sound the alarm for preventive measures to save Jewish Lives in Judea and Samaria and by domino effect save lives in the entire Israel and the world.

The Gov't of the State of Israel is turning a blind eye to Arab vandalism and Arab aggression and provocation.  Worse, it is
prosecuting those Jewish settlers  that have been attacked  and turn the tables on them so that they are forced at great expense to defend their actions as if they were criminal. 

Isn't it  a heavenly act of  justice that Goldstone a Jew,  is behind a report of the UN criminalizing the State of  Israel for acting in Self Defense.  Goldstone seemed almost on the verge of retracting this libelous Goldstone report and then didn't.  Perhaps what just  happened in Sussia as reported by Yehudit Katzover and Nadia Matar of Women in Green or what was reported by Honenu triggered something in Goldstone's brain to retract  only halfheartedly.  Perhaps in Heavenly Court, The State of Israel needs to be a lot more deserving  in order to obtain a full retraction from Goldstone. After all aren't they guilty of acting similarly, accusing and treating the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria, the Galil and the Negev who act in Self Defense as criminals? 

The Right of Self Defense and the Freedom to Bear Arms is embedded in the  Bill of Rights of the American Constitution.

The underlying basis for these Bill of Rights is that we are not trespassers or threatening the real owners and we have full rights to be on the Land.

Arabs distort truth and create lies to fabricate the idea that  Arabs are victims of the Israeli "Occupation". They claim that we stole the Land from them.   This legitimizes their "armed struggle" against Jews and makes light of  the heinous crimes  of their  "armed struggle" in the leftist Global Media.

Therefore, to counter this identity theft by the Arabs, and land theft by Arabs, literally and in principle,  Israel must justify their rights to settle Judea and Samaria based on our Biblical and Historical Rights.

After all, if we are "Occupiers" as Obama and the Global Community proclaim, then the armed struggle of the "Palestinian People" is justified and slaughtering innocent babies in their sleep is not portrayed as an act of terror.

May we all be zocheh to be part of the Return of Am Yisroel to Eretz Yisroel and bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu Bimheira Beyameinu Amein so that we will be able to serve Hashem in the Beit Hamikdash and throughout the world, as per His desire and liking...


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

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