Friday, April 01, 2011

Operation AIT LAASOT- Twinning with Yehuda andShomron Partnering with Judea and Samaria


Dear Rabbonim, Media, Organizations and individuals who are Friends of Eretz Yisroel Hashleima, amv"sh

Will we merely memorialize the dead, the barbaric murders, the massacres?

the dead the barbarity and the massacres?

Introducing Operation AIT LAASOT.   We are individuals (initiators, Robin Ticker and Shmuel Koenig) who spend our days and nights doing what we can to wake up, inspire, cajole and plead and cry for our precious brothers and sisters,  the Nation of Israel to be actively part of Yishuv Haaretz.  Here in Brooklyn, the murders touched a sensitive bone.  But is the pain acute enough to turn sentiment into action?  How much pain does it require Chas VeChalila. We do not want to find out!  

We can preempt and prevent what happened in Itamar.  The tragedies COULD have been prevented by us had we gotten involved sooner and not supported the "peace initiatives" by expressing outrage when property is stolen or vandalized by Arabs or victims of Arab aggression are turned into the aggressors and arrested rather catching the perpetrators and prosecuting them.  The Arabs have become brazen as to attack babies and  children on a Friday night without fear of reprisal.  Quite the opposite, they look forward to the reward they will receive from those that support terror for these heinous acts. To Build and expand is the answer.

We can stop future tragedies chas vechalila BUT NOT MERELY BY MEMORIALIZING.

Operation AIT LAASOT is a campaign to encourage every Jew to partner in whatever capacity with building Judea and Samaria.  By your efforts you are an automatic member of AIT LAASOT.  WE choose the Best and most useful way to both Memorialize and Prevent future tragedies.

We want shuls to partner with shuls, schools with schools, classes with classes, families with families, or a shul with a family or a group of people with a business, or a business with a business.  The point is to be Mezakeh the Rabbim, make ALL Jews worthy of Yishuv  Eretz Yisroel. Let us partner en masse with the pioneers, brave, courageous and sacrificing families and individuals that already live and invested their whole lives in Yishuv Haaretz based on Torah and Mitzvoth in Judea and Samaria and all of Eretz Yisroel. 

Why specifically Judea and Samaria?  Because they are the ones targeted by all the Nations of the World including the United States.  When there is a Mitzva that has universal opposition, that is davka the Mitzva that we must strengthen.  Because of Areivus, we as a Nation must be worthy of the Land of Israel. When only a minority of Am Yisroel is worthy, collectively as a Nation we are short on merit. Only when the majority is worthy will we merit to overcome our enemies and win the struggle for Eretz Yisroel.  If we somehow show HaKadosh Baruch Hu that we in Chutz LeAretz care, that we desire the Land, that our Tefillot and dreams are meaningful and not empty words, surely we are confident that Hashem will respond positively. 

We have been told by some caring Jews, we must wait for Moshiach.  Surely, Moshiach needs a Kli, some vessel in which to appear.  Otherwise when Moshiach knocks on our door telling us to return to Eretz Yisroel we might turn him away saying that we are waiting for Moshiach to come.  Will we recognize Moshiach when he stares us in the face? 

Our Hishtadlus is the vessel needed by Moshiach  to come and operate.

For starters let us recommend two possibilities for our hishtadlus, our partnering.  Of course, there are many opportunities in Judea and Samaria and we will be more than happy to assist you to find the venue that touches your heart and soul.  We are connected to many organizations and Yeshivoth and businesses that help the Yesha communities.

1. URGENT! Chavat Gilad.  A privately owned farm in the Shomron currently without electricity housing 27 families and Yeshiva students.  Right before the Itamar massacre following a campaign to raise funds for fuel for their generator, they were attacked 4:30 am by Israeli police with plastic bullets for the crime of "illegal" building.  The police demolished a home and some structures.

This community relies on an electric generator because the Gov't of Israel refuses to provide the infrastructure.  (Please note that the gov't however has no problem with supplying power to our enemies in Gaza who attack Sderot, Ashdod and Beer Sheva).

Chavat Gilad is  "illegal" as per the demands of the International Community who do not have our best interest at heart.

Their electric generator is extremely expensive to run and the community runs out of funds for fuel. 

I am looking for 20 people that would be willing to contribute $100 each to ease the current crises and get them back electricity.  So far I have several contributors. As a long term solution we want to raise money for funding Wind Turbines so that they will not have to rely on contributions of others for their electricity but will have a clean alternative affordable energy source that will be a model for others as well. Our goal is to be Komimyut LeArtzeinu. 

You can send them money directly through paypal or by check .  (it would give us chizuk if you email us the details of your contribution).   In Brooklyn, if there are any questions feel free to call 718-510-2364 or  718-375-7056.  Encourage pooling with others.  If you can think of a person that would like to contribute, spread the word.

Donations for Chavat Gilad can be made online via paypal at this link. Then share the Nachas of your contribution with others.

Wire info for Shuva Israel in America, a 501(c)3 charity. 

 Shuva Israel - The Return Israel Fund Inc.

 Account# at Citibank: 95733396
 111 Great Neck Road, Great Neck, NY., 11021, USA
 Routing number: 021000089
 Swift Code:  CITIUS33

You can also send a check To:Shuva Israel  PO Box : 27255  Austin TX 78755  USA

David Ha'ivri Executive Director The Shomron Liaison Office
Tel: +97239368146 Cell:

Oshri David Shomron Liaison Office
Tel:  +(972)  3936-8146  Fax: +(972) 153-393-68146 Cell: +(972)  507-480-718

2. TIMELY suggestion: This week's Parshat Shemini has references to the Cohen Gadol Itamar the son of Aharon HaKohen. The community Itamar in the Shomron is named after him. I believe the Kever of Itamar is located in this location.

Itamar of the Shomron, the place of the recent brutal massacre of the Fogel family hy"d.  The Mayor of Itamar Moshe Goldsmith and his wonderful wife Leah are in New York.  They will be in Brooklyn, speaking in the Kingsway Jewish Center 2810 Nostrand Ave. on Sunday April 3rd at 8:pm Beezrat Hashem.   Besides, serious security needs the Yishuv Itamar wants to complete the construction of a beautiful Beit Knesset in time of the first Yahrzeit of the Fogel family hy"d.  Rabbi Goldsmith can fill  you in. Go on and contribute via paypal or send a check to Friends of Itamar, 1483 E. 34th Street Brooklyn, NY 11234.  If you have any questions please call 718-338-3822 or 718-375-7056


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

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