Tuesday, January 05, 2010

On the Case of Yesha Autonomy Part 2, Tikkun Chait Meraglim


Lichvod Rabbanim and Chavrei Knesset, amv"sh

Please visit On the Case of Yesha Autonomy  Part 1

I am of the opinion that the purpose of our generation is  to be Metaken the Chait of the Miraglim.    It was the philosophy of the Spies in the Desert (the Miraglim) to continue in their lofty level of Ruchniyus, spirituality, living off of the Manna in the desert without entering the Land of Israel.   The concept of glorifying learning Torah without keeping the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz seems to be in sync with the philosophy of the Miraglim in the desert.  According to this opinion, there is no need to serve in the army since learning Torah is all that is needed and Hashem will fight our battles. According to this philosophy,  Eretz Yisroel is not even necessary in order to observe Torah. It is the opinion of many Gedoilim of our generation that Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz are not obligatory but rather optional MItzvoth, Mitzvoth Reshus and not Chovah (obligatory), as has been the case for two  thousand  years. They encourage their students that going to War to defend the Land and working the Land are not necessary because Hashem will protect us and provide for us if we engage merely in Torah Study.

This seems to be the root of our problems. What follows are arguments refuting this ideology that sitting and learning Torah is sufficient and actually the preferred method of being the ultimate observant Torah Jew:

Why would Hashem give us commandments about having a Machaneh that is Kadosh if there is no need for a real army?   Why did Moshe Rabbeinu strongly rebuke the Tribes of Reuvein and Gad comparing them with the spies saying that by not going into the Land to help fight and conquer it since they were discouraging the rest of the Nation? http://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/679195/jewish/Were-the-Tribes-of-Reuvain-and-Gad-Scared.htm 

Even if according to the Ohr Hachaim these Tribes reasoned,  that G-d will fight Israel's battles and they weren't  needed to fight, Moshe made it clear to them that they must go to fight and indeed they did go, in the front lines.

Let us look at sources from Tanach which show that this passive approach is very wrong.

At Kriat Yam Suf the miracles only happened when they jumped in.  It wasn't only Nachshon that jumped. They all jumped up till their noses.

Didn't Moshe Rabbeinu actively lead the Jews into battle with Sichon and Og as an example of what they were supposed to do in Eretz Yisroel? Surely Hashem performed miracles for them but they did their hishtadlus.

Yehoshu conquered Yericho and the Nation as a whole did their Hishtadlus even though it was quite obvious that it was miracles that defeated the enemy.

Why is  Neviim Rishonim, Yehoshua, Shoftim etc. and Neviim Achronim a series of narratives rebuking the Israelites for not conquering the Land,  and rebuking them for not destroying  the inhabitants and idols and as a result the Pelishtim gained the upper hand and was a source of much suffering.  Please reread Shirat Devorah where she was quite specific in her praise for those that helped in battle and critical of those that didn't.

True Hashem fights our battles but we must do our Hishtadlus in order to be a vessel for G-ds miracles.  This means actively going to War and observing all the Mitzvoth for the soldiers that are applicable. 

The concept of sitting and learning and not needing to work the Land seems to contradict the commandments of 6 years we work the Land and the seventh year we rest (the Sabbatical Year).  Sitting and learning seems appropriate for the Shemittah year but not for the other 6 years.   Isn't Yom Shekulo Shabbat and Gan Eden for Olam Haba after Moshiach comes and not for now? Perhaps it is appropriate for Shevet Levi or Yessachar but doesn't seem to be the way for the majority of the Jewish People. Of course there might be some exceptions. But if the entire nation is learning full time on off Shemittah years,  then how will the Nation get food? How will the Levites be supported?  How will the poor survive w/o Leket, Shikcha and Peeh? Surely, you will be the first to say that one  is not allowed to bring the Ketz prematurely. After 2,000 years we finally have Jewish Sovereignty.  That is miraculous, a dream come true as a result of decision made by the League of Nations. 

Now the Torah demands that we have a Jewish army and keep the relevant Mitzvoth and we work the Land for 6 years and keep the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz.  On the Shemittah year we rest.  Isn't Sefer Devarim also known as the Mishneh Torah, Moshe's direction of how to keep Torah in the Land.  Do all the Mitzvoth we read about on Hakhel serve no real purpose as is the case when we don't work the Land?

So how can we be Metaken the Chait Hamiraglim? This can done by Rabbinic and Public Jewish leaders remembering G-d's Covenant with the Jewish People, declaring Eretz Yisroel as  our entitlement from Hashem, and proudly declare like Calev ben Yefunah and Yehoshua bin Nun "Aloh Naaleh, Veyarosh Nirash Osah Ki Yachol Nuchal la".  It requires a willingness to fight and conquer the Land, removing all the idol worship, and establishing a Torah Sovereignty that only accepts non Jews who accept a Torah Sovereignty.

As The Case of Yesha Autonomy Part I suggests Let us start a public debate about a prototype Torah State in Yehudah and Shomron.   The establishment of the State of Israel had a serious flaw.  This flaw was the rejection of Torah.  The Medina in 1948 tried to erase religion as was clear with their treatment of the Yemenite population. Over the years the Medina did build up Yeshivoth etc. The flaw was masked.  However, now, the government is acting in ways that are anti Zionist, anti Torah and  self destructive.  This flaw has now turned into a crack.

Let us unite with authentic Torah leaders who might have rejected the State because of rejection of Torah in 1948 but have still the flame of hope and desire to establish a Torah government is burning strong.  Zeh Hashem Kivinu Lo, Nagila VeNismacha Biyeshuaso,

The "Peace Process" is the Hellinization of our generation. The Hellinists believed that Torah must conform to foreign influences.  They did not reject Torah outright, they merely diluted it with foreign ideas saying that the two can live side by side in peace and harmony. .

It seems therefore that intentionally or unintentionally, the Likud gov't,  Shas and UTJ are actual partners with the Hellenists of our time. The Hellenists are clearly the Left (Labor,  etc). The Peace Process is clearly an act of annulling the Torah.  Those that claim to observe Torah while at the same time sit passively while they join with a government that accepts the concept of a Palestinian State Chas veshalom, have been part of this modern day Hellinization process and have been actively engaging in violating many Mitzvoth D'Orayta.  Al Taamod al Dam Reiaacha (allowing terrorists to be freed, roadblocks dismantled etc), Gezela (destruction of property in Neguhot not to mention the destruction of homes in Gush Katif and the Shomron. ).  The list of Biblical violations go on and on....

 Rather then ring our hands and say that there is nothing to do, we must take the cue from Yehudah Hamakabee with Mi LaHashem Eilai.

First, let all Rabbanim daven and prostrate themselves in Hebron by the Kivrei Tzadikim Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov Avinu.

Let us call for an actualization of our Tefillot each and every day for a governing Authority based on Torah.

Let us challenge the Rabbanei Yesha  who are Anavim to take the Leadership role of Mi LaHashem Eilai and protest a Palestinian State and against an IDF that expels Jews.  I have great admiration for Rav Yinon Ilani  from Arad who stood his ground. He was not afraid to stand up to his colleagues publicly and withdraw his Yeshiva from Hesder in spite of loss of gov't stipends.

But when the Roshei Yeshivot are ambivalent and silent and there is a Chillul Hashem, then individual soldiers had no choice but to protest... Isn't it the JOB of each and every Hesder Rosh Yeshiva to PROTEST against the policies of the gov't and the IDF to enlist soldiers to expel Jews from YESHA?   

The Roshei Yeshivot should declare that Torah is above the State Law and that soldiers are forbidden according to Torah to expel Jews.  In addition all Torah observant Jews should do whatever they can to build up Yehudah and Shomron  and protest quite vociferously any destruction of any home on any settlement and the dismantling of any roadblock within Eretz Yisroel Hashelima whose boundaries are delineated in Parshat Masei.

Today on Radio 10 on 95.1 in Brooklyn NY, a Rav was speaking about the time of Moshiach.  I wish I heard who the Rav was and who he was quoting.  He quoted a source that  said in the time of Moshiach , the Nationalist camp will have a stronger  Tikkun of the Nefesh.  This camp which represents the Nefesh of Am Yisroel will desire a Zionist State and aspires for  Eretz Yisroel to be a leader among the Nations. However the Chareidi camp, those not Zionistic will have a stronger Tikkun on the Ruach  with Yirei Hashem and observing the Torah. They will be successful in bringing back Hamonei Am, multitudes of unobservant Jews back to Torah and Mitzvoth.  This indeed is the reality of our generation.

Moshiach will come and unite the 2 camps.  The Nationalist will learn from the Chareidim to observe Torah Properly with sanctity and the Chareidim will learn from the Nationalist about Jewish Pride and being Holy KIngdom among Nations.

If anyone can elaborate on these thoughts and provide sources, please email me.

This will be posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

On the Case of Yesha Autonomy Part 3. Will be forthcoming Beezrat Hashem

Many of these ideas were discussed with Shmuel Koenig.

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

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