Monday, August 03, 2009

My response to Yated: Yesha News is lacking in Boro Park and Flatbush and all over the world


The fact that you, the editor of Yated is sending this response (see below)  to me shows that indeed you really do care to present Yesha's side of the story. 

I understand that Five Towns Jewish times pays $4000 annually for the right to reprint INN.  I don't know if Yated subscribes to other news sources but I suspect that compared to other news sources, $4000 is not all that much.  On the other hand, I have no clue as per the finances of Yated.  With or w/o money stories such as these must be presented.

In any case my main concern is to get the Yesha news in circulation in the Chareidi community.  With Kiruv organizations as active and successful as it is, the Chareidi position will then get absorbed into the secular Jewish world as well. 

To be honest, when it comes to Pikuach Nefesh I am not that pragmatic from a financial perspective. I myself, a total novice in the field of print publication and financially w/o  means, with no time on my hands due to family obligations, tried out of desperation to talk to people about starting a Yesha newspaper for the Boro Park Flatbush community because people here are clueless.  As the expulsion was going on in 2005, it was Color War as usual in the day camps.  Merely some extra tehillim for the Matzav in EY. Ask someone on the street in Boro Park or Flatbush if they heard about Amona?  How about the destruction of the Federnan or Tor house.  They did hear of Beit Hashalom in Hevron. perhaps.  That got in a bit.  Hevron unfortunately chose to fight their battle independent of the ideological struggle of the outposts and the hilltops.

Have BP and Flatbush heard about Women in Green or Mattot Arim.  Do they know much about National Union and Moshe Feiglin?  (Feiglin perhaps because they have a strong office in NY and Netanyahu's political shenanigans put him front page).  Do they know about the nascent Sanhedrin other than it is treif if that much?  Have they heard about Chaim Richman, Rav Ariel and Temple Institute or hear Divrei Torah coming from Rabbanei Yesha?

From the typical religious print media articles, the message is that  we the Jews support Netanyahu on the establishment of a Palestinian Sta-e and that includes support of Agudath Yisroel,OU, Dov Hikind and their spokespeople in Washington DC.  We only demand reciprocity from the Arabs and a demiliterized state and if they comply we willingly would give away parts of Judea and Samaria.  But this is a political stand taken by Netanyahu a politician knowing fully well that reciprocity and a demiliterized State will never happen. It is not a theological accurate Jewish response.  It is not the positionof the residents of Yesha aka the settlers.

Didn't Rav Eliashiv clearly say that Jerusalem is NOT to be divided and we must do our outmost Hishtadlus that this should not occur?  (that was before American Foreign Policy was pushing for a divided Jerusalem). Now there is Silence on our part a clear disregard of a public statement by Rav Eliashiv as told to the Agudah crowd 2 years ago in the Agudah Convention by Rav Perlow.  Again we see how politics  distorts the Torah message.

This is a religious war because the other side has made it so. Our ammunition is our Torah and not political games.

Malcolm Hoenlein seems to be setting the tone for the mainstream Jewish media  rather than simple Pshat of the Torah.  Emunah Peshuta that Hashem promised us the land and we in turn are obligated in keeping the Mitzvoth which reach their ultimate actualization in Eretz Yisroel.

Oslo, Annapolis are annulment of the Covenant that Hashem made with our forefathers. Malcolm Hoenlein somehow feels that the Biblical position is not politically correct. Reciprocity is.

Please resolve this matter between you asap and get the Yesha news with  a Torah perspective on front page, free of politics and money considerations, .  There is a War going on and our lives are on the line. We owe that much to the courageous Jews of Yesha who are on the front line especially the hilltop Youth.

Thank you once again for listening.

2009/8/2 Yated Editor <>

It just so happens to be that Arutz Sheva used to permit us to reprint their articles as long as we gave them credit. They subsequently sent us a letter that they had revisited their policy and that they didn't want us to reprint their articles.



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