Sunday, August 02, 2009

In Response to Dov Stein's comments Regarding Yated's response


Dear Rabbi Stein,  amv"sh

Please tell me if my understanding is correct. Are you saying that the Chassidim i.e the Satmar Mayor  is acting more responsibly  in taking a clear stand in support of Obama even though you disagree with it,  as opposed to the Yeshiva Wold's approach which is Deafening Silence,  not taking any clear stand condemning Obama's statements and policies?  

Perhaps.  My feeling is that both scenarios are terrible CHillul Hashem and both serve to empower Amalek.  One way does so more openly than the other.

Shtika Kehodaya Damya.

 Only clarity for the sake of the Torah, to speak up for our Covenant will create a Kiddush Hashem.

PS.  Apparently for a price, Yated would be able to reprint articles from INN as do other papers.  It has been their choice not to do so.  Their considerations may be monetary but the end result is that their wide circulation are not getting the position of 350,000 Jews in Yesha which iis most authentic to Torah.

Was it conincidence that only after Rabbanim who were close friends of Rav Ovadia Yosef and the Shas party were taken away in shackles, did Rav Ovadia Yosef make a clear statement that we are not slaves to America?

Why is this Chillul Hashem necessary for the Rabbinic Leaders of our generation  to finally speak up for our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel and against other expulsions?  Though it pains me to see Rabbinic figures jailed  I had no knowledge of this when I wrote in my blog  entitled Rav Ovadia Shlita Slams President, "Hodu LeHashem Ki Tov Ke LeOlam Chasdo"  which by the way is said at a Bris. 

Does Malcolm Hoenlein have to feel out of the loop of Presidential decisions (Rahm Emanuel and other Jews are in the loop)  in order to make statements against Obama's policies.  Are these statements only made after there is nothing for him personally to lose by speaking up since it's lost already and others are in the position of power in the White House and he is not????

These are writings on the wall. 

 If our job and our salaries  or prestige are dependant on being silent regarding our fellow Jews in Judea and Samaria, perhaps it is destined that we lose our jobs and salaries in any case.  Do we want to lose everything? Not only have these Rabbanic and honored community members lost their own source of Parnassa and prestige and face public  embarrassment they have by their silence allowed the destruction of more homes in Yesha.  Let us risk our Jobs, titles  and our Parnassa but  keep our honor and faith that Hashem provides for us and speak out for our entitlement  for the Torah and for our brethren in Judea and Samaria! and against American Foreign Policty that is actively destroying outposts and deligitimizes our enttilement to settle all parts of Eretz YisroelG-d's law may not be overwritten and annulled by State Law.  Not Israeli STate Law or American Law. If G-d is king than his Law supercedes the law of the STate.

2009/8/1 דב <>

I do not like the(The concept brought from the world of the Yeshivoth) word in red below. It means that I am not taking responsibility about the results.  I prefer the way  how the Chasidim are acting. It means to take responsibility about the results



From: Robin Ticker []
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 6:10 PM
To: Arutz Sheva; Hillel Fendel; Tovia Singer; Yishai Fleisher
Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;; Baltimore Jewish Times - Phil Jacobs
Subject: Yated responds



Thank you to the editor of Yated for responding.  It shows that indeed you care!

Reporters make news.  Reporters are the frontline officers in the media War.


Shtika KeHodaya Damia,  It is not the settlers per say that we must promote.  The Settlers and the hilltop youth are battling for Torah.  Am Yisroel  must unite for that Torah battle.

 The Gedoilim have called for Machsom PI, Closing ones mouth for Lashon Hara.

Silence when words must be spoken
is also Lashon Hara. 

Eicha?  How can we silently  allow the destruction of the property of thousands of Jews without condemning it..How are we silent when the next round of destruction is being planned? Our silence makes us accomplices to a degree and we are  Chayav BeDinei Shamayim.  It's like the witness that doesn't testify.  It's like the Ox that has a history of goring and you allow him to gore one more time.  Why do we learn Gemorrah if not to act when necessary???

Our Hishtadlus:

Being that the religious  papers have wide circulation and do not have reporters on site to get a more balanced picture, Arutz7 has an obligation to allow articles of this nature to be reprinted in the religious press in order that a more balanced picture be presented for Torah's sake.  I am not addressing the compensation matter to Arutz7 which of course is important and in my opinion should be addressed.  I suspect  this is part of the reason that they have not given permission for you to reprint. .  However, when the lives of Jews are at stake Am Yisroel must act as one to fight the Media War against us and monetary matters comes secondary.

This having been said,  I am sure Yated and the other papers can use material from blogs and individuals who are more than willing to explain their side of the story for free.

The great influence of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and the Religious papers can be shown in the following scenario.

Each individual, man women and child are and should be foot soldiers.  If for example, you get each Yeshiva student and their parents writing a letter to Obama saying that ERetz Yisroel belongs to Hashem and it is our Biblical inheritance and it was PROMISED to Am Yisroel  and that we are commanded to keep the Mitzvoth of the Land which will in turn bring peace and blessings to humanity, that will make a big Kiddush Hashem!  Torah Umesorah and the Rabbanim with Torah Umesorah that meet with Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah on a regular basis can network with the Yeshivoth and network with the Jewish Media to make this a big news item, then there is no question that Obama's message in Cairo would be openly refuted.  After all doesn't each school child learn in Chumash "Ki BeYitckok Yikareh Lecha Zera",  and "Velo Yerash ben Haama im Yitzchok... (paraphrased).

This is not merely a matter of fair reporting. This is a matter of TORAH!

The time has come to seriously and openly address the Svara that holds that until Moshiach comes we must not settle the Land.  The Satmar Mayor naively writes to President Obama that he supports his efforts to establish a peaceful solution in the Middle East.  In writing this sounds idylic and supports the Satmar ideology not to settle the Land until Moshiach comes.

 Practically, Mayor Wieder is giving Obama the green light to give away parts of Eretz Yisroel to Sonei Yisroel whose ideology is even worse than Hitler Yemach Shemo.  Hitler didn't promote and teach that committing suicide to exterminate the Jews is a Holy act - Jihad.  He merely  promoted exterminating the Jews.  All 6,000,000 of them.  . The Mufti of Jerusalem yemach shemo was in cahoots with Hiter Yemach Shemo.  Does Mayor Wieder of Kiryas Yoel realize that he is alligning himself  and aiding the partners of Amalek?  Is this Authentic Torah as he suggests in his letter?????

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: INN news items worthy of front page in your paper. PLEASE Read talkbacks as well.
To: Robin Ticker <>

Our paper doesn't subscribe to the JTA. It would be helpful if Arutz 7 would permit us to reprint their news items. Thanks.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Robin Ticker

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 06:42:01 -0400

To: do4israel<>

Subject: INN news items worthy of front page in your paper. PLEASE Read talkbacks as well.


Dear Activist list, amv'sh

The mainstream Jewish Media does not usually report the truth that puts settlers in a favorable light or attempts to explain and validate or  justify their struggle and simply ignores news that shows discrimination in a justice system that is biased against them.  The Jewish Sentinal even had the nerve to be critical of the fact that the settlers also described in the news as radical extremists, unlawful, Anti State , Messianic extremists and  violent who wish to kill Arabs and compare them with Hamas militants avoid  reading the mainstream press.   ( I don't remember if the Jewish Sentinal in this particular article equated them with Hamas militants and as individuals with  violent tendencies who would love nothing better than to kill Arabs but the other descriptions were there.  There is no doubt that the press has painted the settlers as Jews that love to sing "Am Yisroel CHai, all Arabs should die".

If the mainstream press doesn't print their side of the news than what else can we expect?  Where should we get the news that accurately describes the situation? ?Arutz7 seems to be one of the few sources with  excellent reporting as shown below and even they won't print the whole story if it makes the Rabbis look bad.

Please email some of the mainstream Jewish Media editors and complain of lopsided reporting. Please ask them to print articles such as the ones below presenting the settlers and their opposition to a 2 State Solution based on Biblical entitlement  in a favorable light  on front page.  Why do they need  to rely on JTA for ttheir cover stories which is generally unfavorable to Yehudah and the Shomron and emphasizes reciprocity.  The Torah, to quote Rav Amnon Yitzchok is not only for the Orthodox or Dati Jew. It is for Chilonim as well.   Speaking of our Biblical Heritage is for Chilonim as well.  Rav Amnon Yitzchok said he'd rather be a Chiloni that keeps Torah and Mitzvoth then a Chareidi that doesn't.

The News doesn't only report the News it also creates the News and Publisher and reporters have a responsibility to speak the Truth and not a distortion of the truth.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 6:05 AM
Subject: INN posts worthy of front page in your paper. PLEASE Read talkbacks as well.
To:,,,,,,,,,,,,, Baltimore Jewish Times - Phil Jacobs <>
Cc: Arutz Sheva <>, Hillel Fendel <>, Tovia Singer <>, Yishai Fleisher <>



Nationalist Camp: Disobey Expulsion Orders

 by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Terror Victim's Brother Refuses to Testify in Murderer's Trial

by Hillel Fendel



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