Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Safeguard Israel Ad Campaign - We need a different kind of ad in my opinion


Dear Nadia and Yehudit, amv"sh

You know how much I love you and what you do!  There is no one is Israel that does more for ERetz Yisroel then WOMEN IN GREEN WIG.  I am the first person to support your campaigns. I am not against raising $28,000 for an ad campaign. 

However, I have no faith in our ability to convince Bibi and therefore I don't think this ad campaign will work. (see attachment of ad)  I do hope that Bibi will do Teshuva but  my expectations based on his past history is that he won't.

I have no expectations of convincing the Gedoilim as well. Based on their past history my expectations are that they won't.

Our campaign therefore is to get the people to scream out in a forceful way that Eretz Yisroel is our Biblical inheritance, our gift from Hashem and no elected or spiritual leader has the authority or mandate to act otherwise to annul G-ds Covenant with the Jewish people..

Each individual must safeguard Eretz Yisroel by supporting settlement in Eretz Yisroel in whatever individual capacity they have.  No one can leave this  job to a political official be it a prime minister or a Rav  who masquerades politics behind Torah.

Signing the petition is a simple non costly act and we can build up a database of people that love Eretz Yisroel.

Please help promote it.

 Raising money or donating money to an ad that proclaims our entitlement is another way.  Helping a family or business in Yesha or partnering with them is another way etc.

Our job as activists  is to be mezakeh the Rabim, making the nation worthy of the Land by an expression, verbal and with facts on the ground of  our collective desire and longing for the Land of Israel and for her commandments.  Then G-d will be on our side and He is all powerful to fight for us and defend us from our enemies.

Yasher Koach and may Hashem guide us!


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