Monday, December 01, 2008

USAID and your tax dollars are building Arab houses in Judea and Samaria but Jewish homes in Hebron are "illegal"

This was sent in April 2008  Please visit the link and see the pictures.

- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rafael Rabinovich <>
Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 3:59 PM
Subject: USAID and your tax dollars are building Arab houses in Shchem!
To: "" <>,4617.0.html

USAID and your tax dollars are building Arab houses in Shchem!


Dear friends and fellow activists, amv"sh

This is outrageous!  In the heartland of the LAND OF ISRAEL, JEWS can not live! 

The above was posted in April by Rafael Rabinovich when he was in Israel.  Since then, the building of Arab houses using US tax money has been BOOMING. It is very obvious to anyone on the roads that the facts are being made on the ground. I saw them myself and  those that travel know that new signs of USAID is going up each and every day in Judea and Samaria.

This is something we can talk to our Congressman about.

 Money is also flowing from the European Union, Saudi Arabia etc for the creation of a State of Palestine chas vechalila.

 Jews do not have any rights and are persecuted when they buy or build and arrested if they defend themselves.

How have the Arabs been getting their permits to build so voraciously?  Apparently it's illegal but this doesn't stop them from building.

No permits for new building expansion are allowed for Jews in Judea and Samaria.

Most of the new Arab houses are windowless and VACANT.  No occupants. 

If  a caravan is brought into areas in Judea and Samaria by a Jew it is stopped. If it is brought in by an Arab, then it is allowed.

 There are many Arabs that are terrified by the possibility of a Palestinian State. They realize how good it is for them under the Jewish State. So they collaborate with Jews to help them build their homes.

  The Afsi group was told by Arieh King from the Israel Land Fund that It is not the Arabs that are the problem BUT RATHER the Government of Israel (GOI) who is preventing the Jews from building and settling the Land.  On the contrary, the Arabs want the Jews to build and to settle.  But they are being provoked by outsiders who are egging them on.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    "There are many Arabs that are terrified by the possibility of a Palestinian State."

    Back in 2000, after Arafat y"sh started the latest war against us, one of the fellows from our Shul said when he was in Israel many of the Arabs were signing petitions against putting them under the authority of the PLO. They see the danger, but our "leaders" can't because they rely on earthly "wisdom" rather than Torah.

    -- yonason
