Monday, December 01, 2008

Fwd: קריאה דחופה להגיע עכשיו לבית השלום emergency call to come to Bet HaShalom now


Dear Fellow activist in the Diaspora, amv"sh

Call Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU, the Young Israel and Lubavitch International all with Washington offices and large network of shuls and yeshivas and members and ask what they are doing to mobilize the people to protest this and other immoral provocations of the Gov't of Israel against the settlers, as a result of pressure from outside sources such as the USA  to implement the Roadmap and establish a Palestinian State putting the lives of all Jews in danger. .

The destruction of the Federman house and the illegal arrest and abuse to his family, the immoral arrest of Rabbi Shendorfy and the  discrimination against the settlers is reaching an all time high.  There is example after example of intolerable acts all following the pattern of discrimination, harassment, provocation, lies, unfair judgement and meanness against those that insist on our Biblical rights to the Land of Israel.  WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE IN AMERICA TO PROTEST?????

Rav Yaakov Perlow, Noveminsker Rav shlita
Rosh Agudath Yisroel of America
Agudath Yisroel of America
42 Broadway Suite 1400 New York, NY 10004
Tel 212-797-9000 Fax: (212) 254-1600
cc: Avi Shafran Director of Public Affairs for Agudath Israel

Rabbi Pesach Lerner shlita
Executive Vice President of the National Council of Young Israel
The Council of Young Israel Rabbis USA: - CYIR,
111 John Street, Suite 450, New York, New York 10038
Tel: 212-929-1525 Fax: 212-727-9526

Mr. David Olivestone shlita
Director of Communications and Planning
The Orthodox Union
11 Broadway,
New York, NY 10004
Tel:: (212) 563-4000 ♦ Fax: (212) 564-9058

Rabbi Krinsky shlita
Chabad Headquarters
770 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Tel: 718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718

Rabbinical Council of America
305 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, New York 10001
Phone: 212-807-9000
Fax: 212-727-8452

Rabbi Basil Herring
Executive Vice President
Phone: 212-807-9000 x 5
Rabbi Shlomo Hochberg

We request that you telephone -- rather than e-mail --
the Israeli Embassy or the Israeli consulate nearest you and demand to know
why they are destroying Beit HaSHALOM?
    The embassy's phone number is 202-364-5500.
Stress, that as an American citizen, you can ask the State Department to
investigate what you feel is clearly a human rights violation due to pressure from the USA.
    Now, we are asking you to call your member of Congress and raise the
issue of why only in Israel is it forbidden for a Jew to purchase property from an Arab but an Arab is permitted to purchase property from a Jew. Why are scores of Arab buildings being built without the proper permits with USAID with no inhabitants (take a ride adjacent to the wall that is presently being built and you will see house after house w/o windows or inhabitants) and there is no reaction from the gov't of Israel while men women and children living in Beit HaShalom, purchased with all the legal permits are being thrown out.  This is clearly a discriminatory political matter and not a legal one.

We also ask you to call the State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and
inform them of clear violations of human rights with the destruction of the Federman home and the illegal arrest of Noam Federman and demand an investigation.  The State Department's main numbers are 202-647-4000 or

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: eli7 <>
Date: 2008/12/1
Subject: קריאה דחופה להגיע עכשיו לבית השלום emergency call to come to Bet HaShalom now
To: eli7 <>

כוחות בטחון מג"ב ומשטרה ממשיכים לזרום לחברון

מתגבר החשש לגירוש מבית השלום עוד הלילה.

הציבור נקרא להגיע מידית לבית השלום

המטה המשותף למאבק על בית השלום


More and more security forces and Border Police are now flowing to Hevron

There is certainly great reason to worry that the authorities are planning the expulsion from Bet Hashalom tonight.


Please come and help prevent another expulsion of Jews from their home.






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