Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Moshe Feiglin on the Chief Military Prosecutor of Israel and the Legal System in Israel- Evil like Sodom siding With Israel's Enemies.


Moshe Feiglin:
I just now participated in a demonstration for the soldiers detained in Beit Lid

What the Chief Military Prosecutor (CMP) did to the soldiers is an act of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Because what is Sodom?

What distinguishes Sodom from any other city?

The difference is that in Sodom, good and evil are reversed -- and under the protection of the law._

What in a normal city is done in the dead of night, in Sodom was done legally.

He who does not have good and bad; he who places the Nukhba terrorists and the IDF soldiers on the same moral level; he who releases, without trial, terrorists of the Nukh'ba, back to Gaza; then arrests the IDF soldiers and calls the Nukhba terrorists he released to testify against them; he who behaves like this has turned evil into good and good into evil.

An organization that behaves like this is Sodom; and its actions are an act of Sodom.

"Anyone who shows mercy to the cruel ends up being cruel to the merciful."

The CMP and the legal system that prods her have become a cruel Sodom towards IDF soldiers; and have become the greatest of the merciful towards the monsters of Hamas.

In actual fact, the CMP and the legal system have switched sides -- they are no longer on our side;  they are on the enemy's side.

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