Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Lynch Experience on a resident of Yitzhar near Huwara that BH ended in a Miracle. Tonight They Tried to Murder My Sister by Elisha Yered.


אל המקום אשר...
English translation follows:

מסר מאלחנן גרונר:
אתמול תושבת יצהר עברה נסיון לינץ' בחווארה. עד כה לא דווח על שום תגובה של צה"ל, גם לא המינימאלית ביותר. אז ראשי מערכת ביטחון יקרים, ראשי מועצות ושרים, כשאתם מפקירים את חיי היהודים אל תבואו לתושבים בדרישות לרסן את הנוער מפעולות תגובה. אם אתם לא עושים את תפקידכם ונותנים ליהודים ביטחון אמיתי, אין לכם זכות דיבור או גינוי

A message from Elchonon Groner:
Yesterday, a resident of Yitzhar had a lynching experience in Huwara.  So far, no response from the IDF has been reported, not even the most minimal. So, dear heads of the security system, heads of councils and ministers...when you neglect the lives of the Jews, do not come to the residents with demands to restrain the youth from responding. If you do not do your duty to provide the Jews with Real security, you have no right to speak or condemn.

Atack in Samaria: 'Rioters stormed the vehicle and pelted it with stones'
Miriam Yered, a resident of Yitzhar who was on her way home, was pelted with stones by terrorists who ambushed her car.

אלישע ירד כותב!
Elisha Yered writes: Translation follows:
*הלילה ניסו לרצוח את אחותי.*
Tonight they tried to murder my sister.
מרים, אחותי הקטנה חזרה הלילה הביתה ועברה לינץ' ערבי מאורגן בכביש המרכזי בחווארה - 200 מטר מצומת יצהר הגדולה.
פורעים ערבים גלויי פנים שפשוט הסתערו לה על הרכב וניסו לעצור אותו.

רציתם לדעת מה רמת ההפקרות ביהודה ושומרון? תשמעו מה היא סיפרה לי הבוקר.

"זה היה לינץ' לכל דבר ועניין", היא מתארת. "האירוע התרחש כמעט כשיצאתי כפר מחווארה, כנראה הבחינו בי בתחילת הכפר והתכוננו מראש למתקפה מאורגנת. הם רצו אלי משני הכיוונים עם אבנים וסלעים בידיים ופשוט ניסו לקפוץ לי על הרכב תוך כדי שהם רוגמים אותו מטווח אפס. הם לא זרקו מרחוק אלא ממש הסתערו על הרכב, ניסו לעצור אותו ופירקו את הרכב באבנים בכל הכוח. כולם היו גלויי פנים מה שהעמיק עוד יותר את התחושה שהם יודעים שפשוט אין להם ממה לפחד".

"יצאתי משם פשוט בנס. כל חלק ברכב חטף, אבנים חלפו לי ליד הראש, הפנסים מקדימה נשברו והפח ניזוק, רק השמשות הקדמיות איכשהו נשארו שלמות. עפו עלי זכוכיות, אבל הצלחתי ב"ה לשים את הרגל על הגז ולעוף משם לפני שהם הצליחו לחסום את הכביש. בכל הכפר לא היה צבא בכלל, ועד עכשיו לא קיבלתי דיווח שהפורעים נעצרו או חוסלו. הם כנראה מסתובבים חופשי ויכולים לבצע לינץ' נוסף בכל רגע".

ויש לה עוד מסר חשוב להגיד: "זו הייתה חוויה קשה לכל דבר ועניין, אבל גם מחר כשהרכב יצא מתיקון בעז"ה אני מתכננת להמשיך ולנסוע בכביש המרכזי בחווארה ששימש אותנו שנים. נסיגה ובריחה הן לא הפיתרון לטרור וכפי שאפשר לראות גם הפעם הן רק גורמות לו להתעצם. אני קוראת לתושבי השומרון להמשיך ולנסוע בגאון בחווארה, ולדרוש ממערכת הביטחון לצאת למבצע נרחב וחסר פשרות לכיבוש קיני הטרור בכפר. אם נכיל ונתעלם עכשיו הטרור יגיע חיש מהר גם לכביש העוקף ולישובים עצמם".

אלישע ירד
Elisha Yered:

Miriam, my little sister returned home tonight and went through an organized Arab lynching on the main road in Hawara - 200 meters from the large Yitzhar intersection.
 Open-faced Arab rioters who simply stormed her car and tried to stop it.

 Did you want to know the level of promiscuity in Judea and Samaria? Listen to what she told me this morning.

 "It was a lynching for all intents and purposes," she describes. "The incident happened almost when I was leaving the village of Hawara, they probably noticed me at the beginning of the village and prepared in advance for an organized attack. They ran at me from both directions with stones and rocks in their hands and simply tried to jump on my vehicle while they rammed it from point blank range. They did not throw from a distance but actually attacked the vehicle , tried to stop it and dismantled the vehicle with all their might. They were all open-faced, which deepened the feeling that they simply had nothing to fear."

 "I got out of there just by a miracle. Every part of the car was stolen, stones passed by my head, the headlights in front were broken and the can was damaged, only the front windshields somehow remained intact. Glass flew at me, but I managed to put my foot on the gas and fly away before they were able to block the road There was no army at all in the entire village, and until now I have not received a report that the rioters have been arrested or eliminated. They are probably walking around freely and can carry out another lynching at any moment."

 And she has another important message to say: "It was a difficult experience for all intents and purposes, but even tomorrow when the car comes out of repair in Gaza I plan to continue driving on the main road in Hawara that has served us for years. Retreat and flight are not the solution to terrorism and as you can see this time too they only make it intensify. I call on the residents of Samaria to continue traveling bravely in Hawara, and to demand that the security system embark on an extensive and uncompromising operation to conquer the nests of terror in the village. If we restrain, hold back and ignore now, terrorism will quickly reach the bypass road and the settlements themselves."

 Elisha Yered 

Bring Them Home! A Mother writes:Jewish Prisoners held by the Shin Bet under the Signed Warrant of Yoav Galant and the Israeli Ministry of Defense. Shame

Dear Friends of AFSI,

We hope this message finds you well. Some of you who have visited us in Yitzhar in the Shomron in the past may remember our home and family.

We are writing to share an urgent and deeply personal situation. Our 18-year-old son, Tzadok, who was critically injured four years ago in a terrorist attack, has now been imprisoned for the past four months. Shockingly, this has been done without any formal charges or trial—solely on the basis of an administrative warrant signed by the Minister of Defense.

Since the founding of the State of Israel, there have been 21 such administrative warrants issued against Jews. However, under the current Minister of Defense, Yoav Galant, 25 such warrants have already been issued. These warrants, which bypass the judicial process, have led to the imprisonment of many, including fathers of large families, for periods ranging from three to six months.

The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) appears to be targeting the pioneering settlers of our land with these measures, aiming to weaken our resolve. As there is no legal recourse to challenge these warrants, we have decided to respond by supporting these individuals upon their release. Our initiative is to provide each of them with a grant to help rebuild their lives, as a gesture of our unwavering support and solidarity.

This is our way of strengthening those who are unjustly imprisoned and standing up against these undemocratic measures. We remain committed to supporting our heroic settlers who are steadfast in their dedication to our homeland.

Thank you for your continued support and for standing with us during these challenging times.

Warm regards,
Ayelt Hashachar and Akiva Hacohen
Yitzhar, Shomron

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Shalom Pollack: We Are In Trouble; Not From The Nazis Near And Far, But From The Kapos Who Have No Excuse.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shalom Pollack <shalompollack613@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Aug 23, 2024, 7:20 AM
Subject: no excuse

Yet another privileged Israeli Arab citizen, a celebrity of Leftist Israel, was discovered to be an active enemy of the Jewish people during the current war against the Nazis.
This time he was a prominent physician at the Soroka Medical center in Beersheva.
 After October 7, Dr. Muhammed Azam pledged allegiance to ISIS.
 As large numbers of wounded soldiers were sent to his care, he shared the information with contacts and joked about their condition wishing them death.
 He is suspended now from his position pinning his hopes on Israel's Leftist courts.

Ironically but typically, just after Oct. 7 when many Arab Israelis in public positions were discovered to support the massacre and its perpetrators, a Jewish nurse at Beersheba hospital requested that her colleagues be alert to staff who supported the massacre.
Nurse Raz Shapiro was immediately censured and fired even as Dr Azam was mocking the wounded soldiers in his care.

The above encapsulates the absurd, dangerous reality in Israel today.

Just as a Jewish nurse who rings the alarm against the enemy within is treated as the real enemy by the elites, so too, these elites wage a war against our finest soldiers and ally themselves with our worst enemies.

In the latest case the military prosecutor accused our soldiers of the sexual assault of Nazi killers. This libel was immediately picked up by our enemies and has caused irreparable damage.
The   film (made of slices of two separate footages) that they released did not support the accusation, yet the Leftist media proclaimed it was hard evidence of just how terrible our soldiers are and how we were not treating the Nazi monsters with enough humanity. The particular Nazi bragged to his fellow Nazis and to the Jewish guards about just how many Jews he killed, burned, beheaded and raped.
The Jewish jailers were brutally arrested by masked military police, shackled and dragged away in front of the cheering Nazi prisoners

In the same vein, this week the chief civilian prosecutor, Mr. Iceman called for the arrest of a popular singer on charges of incitement to genocide.
After Oct. 7 he said that Gaza should be destroyed.
Others: politicians and journalists and other public figures said the same but were not indicted.
The latter were well known privileged, well connected   Ashkenazi Leftist. The former is a Sephardic Right winger, an example was to be made.

A public outcry caused the prosecution to recall its demand for his arrest.

Similarly, other Jews were arrested for "murdering" Nazis on Oct. 7
In a Jewish country or any other moral country, what might be an excuse  for NOT killing these Nazis on the day of the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust?

We are in trouble; not from the Nazis near and far but from the Kapos.
 Actually, it is an unfair comparison.
Many of the Kapos in the Holocaust faced a difficult dilemma, morality of self-preservation.

Today's incarnation doesn't have that excuse.


Tour guide and author
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs".

Saturday, August 10, 2024

By Sholom Pollock on Traitors, Those in Leadership Positions, Israel Army Chief of Staff Allowing the IDF Chief Prosecutor of the Jewish State, Actively Help the Enemy and Harm Our Own


Not a week passes in Israel without another shocking, unexplainable news item.

I am not referring to the threat of a massive multi front attack on the Jewish state or any other external threats such as the latest from Turkey's Erdogan to invade.
The daily threat of terror on our roads, streets and schools is also not new or surprising.

The fact that Russia, China and North Korea are closing ranks with Iran to destroy Israel also does not surprise.
Have we not become accustomed to the Nations of the world (the UN) closing ranks always against only one country?
Nothing new.

To witness the nations of the world boycott and unite to drag the country of the Jews to be pilloried before the "world court of justice" is also not a new phenomenon.  Christianity and Islam had their go at the Jews and now their descendants are maintaining a tradition.

Nothing new

Despite all of the above and more, our tiny nation has continued to prosper, ingathering Jews from every corner of the world and enjoying the highest birth rates in the industrial world. While facing unrelenting and increasing assault on Israel from every corner and on every level, Jewish civilization remains steadfast in her role as super contributor to the welfare of that same Jew hating world.

A relatively few righteous non-Jews openly admire us for this unexplainable success and generosity while most bear an uncontrollable hate for us for just this reason.

The above is history; ancient, current and probably future as recounted and predicted in the Tanach.

As students of history, we need not be surprised by any of it.

What is more difficult to digest and understand are the self-hating Jews who join our enemies in their war against the Jewish nation..
Yes, this too is an historical phenomenon and recounted in the Tanakh as well, I know,
 But still.

Sociologists and psychologists have grappled with this phenomenon and have applied various labels to it but still, when you see it in front of your eyes, when those in leadership positions of the Jewish state actively help the enemy and harm our own, academic explanations do not suffice.
Even after meeting these traitors in Tanach and throughout our history do not soften the feeling of shock and incredulity when faced by it - especially during a war for survival.

Why would the Israel army chief of staff allow the IDF chief prosecutor to blacken the name of our soldiers and present them to the  world and our enemies as no better than those who did what they did to Am Yisroel on Oct 7?

A vicious monster Hamas terrorist complained of sexual assault by his Jewish guards. The particular doctor at the prison facility who is a member of "Physicians for human rights" immediately supported the terrorists claim.  His organization put out a statement in the aftermath of the October 7 slaughter: "Human rights cannot be detached from historical and political reality". Its all about "context"..

Sounds familiar?

This "Jewish" doctor rushed to support the Hamas monster and condemn the Jewish soldiers This was reason enough for the military police, armed and masked, to be sent to swoop down and brutally arrest ten Jewish guards dragging them away shackled, in front of amused Hamas monsters.

What inspires a major Israeli TV News program to doctor and present a film "showing " the Jewish guards raping a prisoner that is now viewed as evidence by a Jew hating world that we are no better than Nazis?

After his own inspection, a Hadassah hospital forensic expert stated that there was no evidence of rape.
The military prosecution's claim that the rule of law is above all else, even in the midst of war, are now squirming and twisting.

Why indeed would the IDF brass and major media rush to help our enemies?
Why do our courts do the same?
Why do our universities do the same?
Why do former chiefs of staff and prime ministers do the same?
Why does the mayor of Tel Aviv forbid Jewish public prayer but allow Muslim public prayer?

Why, why, why?

Whatever the explanation for this deep morass of the warped Jewish soul, the Jewish people are noticing. They see that even in the midst of a war of survival against the entire antisemitic world forces, the anti-Jewish "elites" in Israel insist on hurting the Jewish nation.

Jews are waking up. For the first time, they are attending supreme court hearings and making their voices heard They are demonstrating outside army prisons.
The courts, the army; bastions of unquestioned absolute power, are now being challenged by Am Yisroel.


The Jews of Zion are stirring

Are we witnessing an historic turning point of biblical proportions?


"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Moshe Feiglin on the Chief Military Prosecutor of Israel and the Legal System in Israel- Evil like Sodom siding With Israel's Enemies.


Moshe Feiglin:
I just now participated in a demonstration for the soldiers detained in Beit Lid

What the Chief Military Prosecutor (CMP) did to the soldiers is an act of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Because what is Sodom?

What distinguishes Sodom from any other city?

The difference is that in Sodom, good and evil are reversed -- and under the protection of the law._

What in a normal city is done in the dead of night, in Sodom was done legally.

He who does not have good and bad; he who places the Nukhba terrorists and the IDF soldiers on the same moral level; he who releases, without trial, terrorists of the Nukh'ba, back to Gaza; then arrests the IDF soldiers and calls the Nukhba terrorists he released to testify against them; he who behaves like this has turned evil into good and good into evil.

An organization that behaves like this is Sodom; and its actions are an act of Sodom.

"Anyone who shows mercy to the cruel ends up being cruel to the merciful."

The CMP and the legal system that prods her have become a cruel Sodom towards IDF soldiers; and have become the greatest of the merciful towards the monsters of Hamas.

In actual fact, the CMP and the legal system have switched sides -- they are no longer on our side;  they are on the enemy's side.