Thursday, May 30, 2024

Post removed from Facebook


Why was this post removed?

I can only speculate. Probably Facebook AI must have tagged it as suspicious because of the terms "Temple Mount" or "Har HaBayit". Then humans  employed or hired by FB, with an agenda, gave their stamp of approval.

I am reposting the removed link on FB because it "didn't meet facebook standards", hoping FB will reconsider.

It was a letter written in 2020 bemoaning the fact that many Yeshiva students and Seminaries sent their students back to America when they were on their gap year, because of Covid. What were these institutions, pressured by the government into thinking? The students in their travels back home were then exposed to Covid and then brought Covid to their family members out of Israel. I can personally attest to that.  BH we all came through ok. 

Rather than taking responsibility for the students in Israel in case they came down with Covid they sent these kids who were low risk home. Unnecessary panic and anxiety and mass Exodus from EY.

The discussion then catapulted to a heartfelt prayer for a greater yearning for a heavenly Kingdom where G-d is Supreme, yearning for the return of the Davidic dynasty and the rebuilding of our Temple as written in the Prophets.

There was then a discussion as per why Bibi rejected Otzma Yehudit because one of their conditions was Jewish prayer on Temple Mount.

Bibi was quoted

".. Netanyahu revealed that the Temple Mount condition was indeed the deal-breaker that led him to reject Ben Gvir's offer.

"But he had one condition that I permit Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. This may sound logical to you, but I know that this would have ignited the Middle East and brought down the anger of one billion Muslims on us. And there are things I am not willing to do in order to win the elections. I will continue to protect Israel. Our rivals have no boundaries."

An afterthought...

Maybe had Bibi agreed to Otzma Yehudit's terms and welcomed them to join and allowed Jewish prayer on Temple Mount, October 7th would never have happened.  Probably the Israeli Government and its military cabinet would have been better prepared, would have addressed the warnings and not have been compromised. Choosing a government that chooses a route of appeasement doesn't work long term. It merely buys time and then literally allows a massacre to happen. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I dont think we can say that this or anything was the reason for October 7th. Rather, G-d is expressing His might so we will take Him and His Torah seriously. Its also part of the war He is waging against evil, which Israel will win.
