Monday, January 22, 2024

ZOA’s Mort Klein JPost Op-Ed: The Dangers of a Palestinian Arab State Are Now Truer Than Ever (2022). Question...How can we now DeNazify Jihad Indoctrination?


אל המקום אשר...

See disclaimer at end of post

ZOA's Mort Klein JPost Op-Ed: The Dangers of a Palestinian Arab State Are Still True

Dear Mort Klein et al, Shlita

Tysm for your excellent Op Ed in Jpost!

David Bedein has been documenting UNRWA's schools Jihadists indoctrination throughout Israel including, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and Gaza for years. Many of the examples you cited probably came from his Center's years of research.

"Our work warns of premeditated attacks on Jews, planned in the open- from safe havens of UNRWA schools .

These are our earlier movies , shot on location at UNRWA facilities, which were not yet given sufficient credence - allowing attacks to occur on October 7, taking Israel by surprise:"

Now due to everyone's collective amazing efforts to publicize UNRWA's Jihad Hamas alliance, the Dangers of Hamas/Fatah/ISIS Jihad Education, is BH, finally sinking in.

However, even if we succeed to deweaponize and dismantle the existing Terror platforms, UNRWA schools, PA Education etc. it still leaves a void that needs to be filled immediately, otherwise a new wolf will probably emerge claiming to be Grandma.

So let me call your attention to history's successful example of deNazification which managed to transform Nazi Germany into a Democracy.


"Denazification (German: Entnazifizierung) was an Allied initiative to rid German and Austrian society, culture, press, economy, judiciary, and politics of the Nazi ideology following the Second World War. It was carried out by removing those who had been Nazi Party or SS members from positions of power and influence, by disbanding or rendering impotent the organizations associated with Nazism, and by trying prominent Nazis for war crimes in the Nuremberg trials of 1946. The program of denazification was launched after the end of the war and was solidified by the Potsdam Agreement in August 1945. The term denazification was first coined as a legal term in 1943 by the U.S. Pentagon, intended to be applied in a narrow sense with reference to the post-war German legal system. However, it later took on a broader meaning.[1]"

DeNazification like methods needs to be adapted today.

The Nation of Israel and the Jewish People, a "Mamlechet Kohanim", a Kingdom of Priests, (even by no choice of our own), we "The Chosen People", are surely the best choice to do the job! We are the Divine Choice to be a role model and teacher to the world, how to transform Jihadism indoctrination into a Moral, Civilized and G-dly society.

Let me direct you to the key, the 7 Noahide Laws. When studied and implemented with G-d's help, will surely be a game changer to bring the ultimate Victory of Good over Evil.

It will in addition also hopefully transform sick progressive leftist Western values from a G-dless society that empowers evil into a civilized society that desires Truth and Justice based on G-d's infinite wisdom and direction.

That can start to happen when we control and replace Jihad education in UNRWA schools (for starters) etc. and incorporate teachings of Torah laws, the 7 Noahide Laws, that is in fact incumbent for all of humanity. These laws are the basic moral code, and are the foundations of a civilized and a moral society which must integrate into all facets of society be it political, educational, military etc.

These teachings need to be paralleled with implementation. We must not delay in bringing to Justice (one of the 7 laws) those that masterminded and took part in the atrocities, murder, butchering and rape of October 7th and still sadly continues... Chas veSholom, Hashem Yishmor! 

(Wouldn't it be amazing if we had a Sanhedrin sitting on Temple Mount to bring Justice to these monsters!?!)

7 Noahide Laws:
Here are some comprehensive sources that teach Jew and non Jew regarding these laws.

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith, actually gives a weekly shiur to non Jews every Sunday morning on the 7 Noahide Laws to Germans. His source is a book by Rabbi Yonasan Steif ob"m the Author of Mitzvoth Hashem. Rabbi Smith is translating this work into English.

" Rabbi Steif was rescued from death in the Holocaust in 1944...He was a major Posek, he wrote halachic responsa, works on the Talmud and two works setting forth the obligations of gentiles, one called Sefer Mitsvos Ha-Shem, "The Book of God's Commandments".A number of other works were published later, and are still being worked on today."


Who am I to say Hamas should be put on trial by a Sanhedrin on Har HaBayit? I didn't write it that way on purpose. I wrote in parentheses (wouldn't it be nice) as in tongue in cheek because the Hamas wants control of the Beit HaMikdash and it would be nice to see the opposite where their downfall will happen on the Beit HaMikdash. Poetic justice.

But still  who am I, and it is not my place!

I obviously am not Moshiach and even Dovid Hamelech was guided by the prophets and asked the Urim veTumim  to ask Hashem when he was fighting with the Plishtim. 

The best I or others like myself  can do in this point in time is to yearn for Justice and Malchut Shamayim, Malchut Beit David and Binyan Beit HaMikdash and suggest and envision how in my own small minded perception of things, how this can happen.

I recognize that I don't see the full picture so these ideas are mere brainstorming and should not be given more credibility and substance than what it is.

Therefore it should be noted that while I am not demanding (except from HKBH :) that we implement a nascent Sanhedrin putting the Hamas Terrorists on trial on Har HaBayit at this particular point in time, I admit I really like the idea :) and ask that you give it serious consideration.

אל המקום אשר...

Ref: MiGolah LeGeula: From Exile to Redemption p160 based on a Sicha by the Rebbe Shabbos Parsha Re'eh 5746) 

Chapter 2 We Want Moshiach Now. "Because they didn't demand it" (punishment was brought up on those people who didn't demand it)

My question is...So can we demand that Hashem send Moshiach to set up a Sanhedrin at the Beit HaMikdash to bring Justice to our enemies or should we just go for it since the work already has been done and maybe the time is ripe for a Sanhedrin and there won't be a backlash.  Can we go ahead and establish it on Har HaBayit before Moshiach reveals himself. Can we demand that even before Moshiach comes Hashem enables us to set up a Sanhedrin so we can bring Justice to our enemies? Is strong desire and yearning sufficient to make it happen because by doing so that's our way of demanding it from Hashem based on the fact that we deserve it after all the terrible suffering our people have gone through? 
... Also can we demand that we annex Har HaBayit and have the zchut and obligation to bring Korban Pesach this year?

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