Tuesday, February 28, 2023

New York Times has a history of slandering Jews with Peyos


אל המקום אשר...

Rabbi  Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Shlita

Yasher Koach on your advocacy on behalf of Charedi Yeshivas!

Rabbi Zwiebel of the Agudah: "You reach a certain tipping point when a newspaper [NY Times] devotes such substantial resources, with nothing positive to say, and sometimes stretches the truth to say bad things."

This slandering of Charedim ( ultra Orthodox Jews) by the New York Times is not new.

 Perhaps had we protested in past libels against our brothers in Peyos we would not need to do it again.  After all, all Jews in Peyos look alike.  In this blog post in Jan 2016, I alluded to this possibility.

Duma Blood Libel calling Hilltop Youth Jewish Terrorists. Yesterday Tue. Jan 12, 2016 New York Times Print Edition, Front Page blurb to article on page A9, Front cover Forward January 15, 2016

Rabbi Zwiebel, Shlita

Please advocate now as well to release Amiram ben Uliel. It's been 8 years since he has been incarcerated and convicted to 3 life sentences for a crime he was convicted for based solely on his own confession with no other evidence following torture. The torture was permitted based on a decision of Israel Supreme Court. Basically it seems obvious that this miscarriage of justice was a political setup in order to find and frame and slander a Jew as a Jewish Terrorist.

Amiram is presently held under the harshest solitary confinement conditions. He was not allowed to pray with a Minyan on Yom Kippur and can not be in close  contact with his own  family members including his young daughter except with draconian rules and barriers.

Does Torah allow conviction based on confession  and torture without any other evidence?  


Fwd: Nobel Laureate Robert Auman Calls Upon Israel Supreme Court to Reconsider Ben Uliel Confession Under Torture

שתיקה כהודאה דמיא 

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