Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Re: Grave Sakana to Not only Chinuch but to Yiddishkeit - Shmuel Koenig

From: Shmuel Koenig <ShmuelKoenig@verizon.net>

To: Different Rabbanim
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 5l
Subject: FW: Grave Sakana to Not only Chinuch but to Yiddishkeit - Shmuel Koenig
From Robin Ticker:
Shmuel, Please share with as many Rabbonim as you can.
We need to know our enemy and their agenda. If their agenda is to rebel against Hashem, then respectful pleading with them is like negotiating with the wolf guarding the hen house. 
Understanding from where these Gezeiros arose is crucial to then give us the wisdom to understand how best to fight this evil.
The evil forces are most afraid of Torah Jews pushing Hashems agenda which for the goyim are the 7 Noahide Laws. 
Rather than be on the defensive and try to be satisfied with merely just being left alone so they dont interfere with our education, perhaps the best approach is to proudly stand up to their G-dless agenda by exposing it and then educate the world with Hashem's knowledge and truth and raise knowledge regarding the Torah for the world which are the 7 Noahide Laws 
From Brucha Weissberger,
For whoever joined since Sunday late afternoon, I am reposting this critical information. 
I post the following IN CONSULTATION with a Rav (meaning to say, this is leto'eles, it is NOT lashon hara or meant to be for the sake of negativity, but only for the sake of waking up our people to the dangers we are facing.)
Regarding the grave sakana to not only our chinuch but our entire Yiddishkeit that we are facing- a short summary:
Most people know that laws may chas veshalom be passed which would 1) mandate our schools to teach many more hours of secular studies and have almost no time left for limudei Kodesh, 2) teach "gender" studies which are absolutely impossible for us to teach and would be a complete destruction of children and our communities, 3) subject our schools to be under the jurisdiction of the local public schools, 4) allow for them to be inspected at any time, 5) allow anyone to file a complaint at any time, 6) provide for 60 days jail time for any parent who does not send their child to an "approved" school (one which complies with the "substantial equivalency" guidelines summarized above.)
What most people do NOT know is the this:
1) These NYS proposed laws are NOT a stand-alone issue and didn't begin recently. This originates all the way up at the United Nations, this is global, this has been planned and implemented bit by bit for decades, and it has a GOAL - to promote to'eiva, promiscuity, and abortion, to destroy the family structure, and to remove people from belief in One G-d. While they want to wipe out what they call the "Judeo-Christian tradition" in general, they have a specific goal to destroy Orthodox Judaism. 
2) The battle has NOT been fought properly until now by most of the ones who were supposed to be fighting it, or should I say, regretfully, they have made it much worse. 
This is because the government has been basically INVITED to control our schools because we keep on requesting and accepting money from them in the form of various programs, and in so doing, we have accepted more and more oversight over our Mosdos by them. The current situation is the natural outgrowth. 
3) The danger is not only that parents could go to jail for 60 days. 
The much worse danger is that chas veshalom CHILDREN COULD BE FORCIBLY REMOVED FROM THE HOME BY CPS IF THE PARENTS REFUSE TO SEND THEM TO THE SCHOOLS THAT TEACH SHMAD, and then the government would place the children in the schools of their choosing. 
This is a sha'as hashmad mamesh, and also, as a knowledgeable Rav pointed out, could easily chas veshalom lead to a situation of bloodshed if police come to forcibly remove children from homes of parents who refuse to send to shmad-compliant schools. 
Most probably none of us here have ever faced such a threat to our spiritual and physical safety. 
This is a time of לך כנוס את כל היהודים. 
We should be gathering to storm the שמים. 
We should NOT be relying on any organization to save us. 
The organizations receive millions of dollars from the government and are therefore unable to fight them effectively. The organizations may mean well but they have made the mistake of NEGOTIATING with the government about topics of Mesora about which THERE CAN BE NO NEGOTIATION. 
AP, with the goal of ensnaring us to be forced into their agenda, which is an agenda of shmad, is global, and is decades in the planning and implementation. 
I will post links to articles and recordings which will give you more information and proof.
Another post of Brucha Weissberger...
I share the following with a heavy heart and after consulting with a Rav who is painfully aware of the grave reality and told me to share it. This is a heartbreaking recording of a talk by Rabbi Chaim Lefkowitz, who works with great Rabbonim and with a legal team to fight for authentic chinuch.. but he tells us that it's very late already. 😰
Whatever is negative here is not shared as lashon hara, but to wake up the tzibbur to try to save ourselves from shmad and destruction through davening and proper actions. 
I hope everyone understands and takes the information in the proper spirit. Not to cause division, but to beg everyone to unite for Emes and kedusha and repent from mistakes where $$$ from the government played a role in allowing negotiations about our Mesora, where there should not have been negotiations. 
Bottom line- it is an absolute and utter necessity to immediately break away from all government funding of our schools.
Again, the youtube is:
Monday, May 30, 2022
Fyi United Nations Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a Triumph for Human Rights. Alice Bailey's Vision of A New World Order... 10 point plan
From Shmuel  Koenig:
About Eretz Yisrael:
The Jews have to observe the 613 mitzvot and the non-Jews have to observe the 7 mitzvot bnai noach.
This will help bring the geula.
With best wishes for the geula,
Shmuel Koenig

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