Thank you Rabbi Smith for such unbelievable clarity!
Rabbi Smith's letter below was in response to correspondence between Nadia Matar of the Sovereignty Movement and myself where I asked Nadia for her input to the idea of establishing a prototype Sovereign Torah Autonomy in Judea and Samaria.
My intention let me clarify is and was not chas Vesholom to establish a separate disconnected enemy State to the existing State of Israel and be divisive but rather to establish a prototype Sovereign sister Torah autonomy side by side the State of Israel. The end goal is the unification of a Sovereign Israel true to Hashem's vision.
Fyi background correspondence
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Nadia, they want to build a Palestinian State- Your thoughts
"Shemittah Rediscovered: They want to build a Palestinian State- Your thoughts"
Robin responds June 16, 2022 to Nadia's reply that Robin is not connected to reality. Robin sites numerous examples how she is definitely connected to a very disturbing reality and therefore more than ever we need an Almighty G-d on our side.
"Shemittah Rediscovered: Re: Being connected with reality..."
Nadia then responds why Robin fails to push Aliya en masse which in Nadia's vision is the correct approach. Robin responds in kind June 16 that Aliya in and of itself is not sufficient. Promoting and educating G-d's Vision and agenda for Jews dwelling in the Land and in the Diaspora and by extension educating His Vision for the Nations of the world will be the catalyst for mass Aliya and the Nations too will stream to Israel.
"Shemittah Rediscovered: Re: cont. Being connected with reality..."
Rabbi Smith in this letter powerfully clarifies that the purpose of dispersion in Galus is to fulfill the Jews mission of bringing G-d's light unto the Nations. The Nation of Israel were forced into exile as a result of not doing what they were supposed to do when they were Sovereign in the Land. Rabbi Smith brings much clarity to the debate.
Posted June 17, 2022
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From: Passaic Clarity <>
Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2022, 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: Being connected with reality...
To: Robin Ticker <>
From: Passaic Clarity <>
Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2022, 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: Being connected with reality...
To: Robin Ticker <>

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It seems that the Aliyah process is designed to eradicate the internal strength of the Jew to make things right. A person who subjects himself to an "approval process" to dwell in the Holy Land which already belongs to him is acknowledging the authority of the State of Israel.
However, the only true stewards of the Holy Land are the Jewish People, not the State of Israel.
But by going through the Aliyah process a person transfers (in his mind) his ownership to the State because he is looking for approval and free benefits. But free benefits are slavery to the authority of the State. It is in Marxism where the State is a thing that must be respected and lived with no matter how bad the State is.
And we see that tragically, Americans, who are supposed to be inculcated with the American idea of the leadership of the people, move to Israel and become completely silent and inactive (generally) and acquiesce to the State. They may complain at kiddush and on What's App groups but they have built a world view in which the State is the authority and therefore can only be screamed at and complained about but not actually replaced. Even those who want to do something have built into their thinking that they need to struggle to redirect the State.
The situation is worse than under the Ottomans and under the British.
I suspect that (and I hope that someone will do this calculation) that the number of Jews murdered in Israel since 1948 as a result of the surrender and inaction policies of the State far exceed the number (even per capita) under the Ottoman and British.
Rachmana L'itzlan.
Now if I am correct, then the insistence that everyone make Aliyah under the State authority is actually designed to eliminate the independent thinking that comes from seeing reality more accurately free of the State's handouts and bring all Jews under the State.
I applaud you for pointing out that a Jew is a full Jew in any place in the world - in every place he is required to be a full Jew and in fact, we were scattered into the diaspora to accomplish what we had failed to do in our stewardship of the Holy Land, namely to be a Light Unto the Nations, specifically by teaching the Sheva Mitzvos Bnai Noach. To strip the world of the influence of Jews and concentrate all the Jews into one place where the attitude is to refuse to be a Light Unto the Nations and to, even in the Holy Land, completely ignore the obligation to teach the non-Jews in the Holy Land, is not a recipe for the fulfillment of G-d Al-mighty's vision for His Creations.
You may ask your friends how many non-Jews they teach Sheva Mitzvos to on a weekly basis.
If they say none, it reveals that with all their judging others for not living in the Holy Land, they themselves do not understand what it means to be a Jew living in the Holy Land.
The Holy Land is Holy from the beginning of Creation. G-d Al-mighty gifted it us so that we can be its stewards, a Holy Nation stewards of the Holy Land on behalf of the entire world. It is a merit to steward the Holy Land that is inseparable from the responsibility to care for the nations as the Father of the Nations.
Anyone who only wants the merit but rejects the responsibility is missing the point and is handicapped in their thinking and causing immeasurable suffering to the Jewish and non-Jewish residents of the Holy Land and the inhabitants of the world as a whole.
The surprising result of this is that we realize that our job is to not only educate the non-Jews to realize and live in accordance to their being created in G-d Al-mighty's image, but also to educate the Jews to realize and live like a Jew.
Besuros Tovos,
Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith
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