Monday, July 12, 2021

Protest Great Britain's judicial decision to murder Baby Alta! From Tamar Adelstein

July 12, 2021

Today the final (we think) appeal to stop the murder of baby Alta Fixler was lost and she has been condemned to die by Great Britain's London High Court of Appeal.  Her crime, a difficult birth that left her oxygen deprived and disabled.  

Alta survived her traumatic birth and was eventually able to breathe without the aid of a ventilator.  In her own way, she thrived under the  loving care of her very devoted, loving parents and a plan was created to bring her home to live with her family.   Doctors involved in her care, however, decided to play G-d and set in motion a series of moves that caused Alta's health to deteriorate and need life support.   After that they began arguing that due to her suffering Alta should be mercy killed and taken off that support, r"l. 

Despite her parents' legal challenge, along with support from the Israeli Government, Israeli hospitals willing to treat her, and NYS Senator Chuck Shumer's obtaining a US visa for her to brought to America, the evil London High Court has ruled she must die.  

What can we do?  
First, let us say Tehillim (Psalms) for her:  Say 3 and 20, at the very least.   

Second, BE OUTRAGED!  For this is not only an assault against the sanctity of human life but these evil judges also decided that "she was not of an age to understand anything about the religion she was born into"  in response to her parents' challenge that murdering her by removing life support is against the tenets of Judaism (and Sheva Mitzvos too!).  In essence England's judicial system took it upon themselves to deny Alta her Jewish heritage and instead deem her, in essence, nothing more than a thing.

Third, call the Consulate General of Britain tomorrow to protest and demand Alta be allowed to live!  The telephone number is 212-745-0200
Karen Pierce is the British Ambassador to the US in Washington, DC.  That number to call is 202-588-6500.
To keep the calls going all day:  Last names A - G, call between 9 and 11am.  Last names H - N, call between 11am - 1pm, Last names O - S, call between 1 -3pm,  Last names T - Z, call between 3 and 4pm.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe said, that when it comes to Pikuach Nefesh - SAVING A LIFE - we must cry out and even bang our fist on the table in protest until the situation is reversed.

May we hear good news and may Alta bas Chaya have a Refua Shleima immediately!

Wishing everyone the Geula Shleima and Moshiach NOW!,

Tamar Adelstein, Coordinator
Crown Hts Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel

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