Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Please stop pushing vaccines in your publication via advertising


Lichvod Jewish Media and Major Orthodox Jewish Organizations

The  censorship of news in the media that promotes a cure for Covid-19 other than the vaccine is telling and is probably happening because publications are biased to their advertisers.

Bill Gates Foundation invested in the billions. Would they dare lose their investment?

Rabbi Smith (see link below) points out that clergy of all religions are groomed to tell the narrative biased to big pharma to convince their communities and they all seem to be getting their science from the same sources at almost identical times. 

Listen to the whistle blower of fox corp.


Its sickening to see non stop advertising for the vaccines in right wing conservative Jewish media.

It brings distrust to all the news you report and loss of respect for our major orthodox Jewish Organizations  and Rabbis and Community Organizers who are taking blood money not only to push vaccines but to convince our communities to register for the G-dless Democratic party.

Bh according to Governor Cuomo our communities have the lowest vaccinated rate.

That is not thanks to the Jewish publications and organizations.  It is in spite of them. People are listening to their gut and common sense..

Reporting what is in the best interests of our community should override funding considerations.

Unfortunately though it's unfortunately about the money trail.

 Its so sad that so many of us are cynical of the medical profession, the Jewish media and the Rabbinical advocacy of major Jewish Organizations.

 Will this change only when such platforms have lost credibility to the point where their input just wont count and people tune them out?

Hashem has done miracles for us. Surely He will provide for our sustenance.

Will you publish Rav Wosner's Psak for example?

Rabbi Yosef Binyamin Halevi Wosners Psak. 

⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
Basically he says that he got together hundreds of doctors, some who are provaxxers, and they testified according to the Torah. (Rav Uri Sofer told Yosef Cohen and me just yesterday that he was aware of the proceedings and two other great Rabbonim were with him so it was a Beis din of three!)
And after hearing the testimony and doing research  AFTER the testimonies to check them out, he has made a decision: 
1. 1. According to the precedent set by my grandfather, Rav Shmuel Wozner, zatzal, adverse events are considered a "miyut hamatzui" a minority which is still common. Therefore under no circumstances and in no way can someone force another to take a vaccine. 
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
2. Anyone who already got corona should be very careful NOT to take a vax. Because it increases the possibility of damage.
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
3. For children "According to the Torah, it is a serious prohibition and completely forbidden to agree, to help, or to give this "vaccine" to children
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
2. He continues that it is even more dangerous for those who already had Corona.
3. Accd to the Torah, it is completely forbidden to agree to or help to give it to children and if you can stop it you are obligated to do so because of the mitzva "not to stand by as your brother's blood gets shed". There is a lot of merit involved in stopping this.
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
He originally said "שב ואל תעשה עדיף״ 
Basically advice that it's better to wait it out.

Now, He sat down for weeks with many doctors and took their testimonies and he (I don't know why they didn't sign but according to Rav Uri Sofer, two others sat down with him) and decided that 
1. you cannot force, it is FORBIDDEN to force,
2. You definitely should NOT take a jab if you had corona &
3. It is FORBIDDEN to allow your child or to participate in any way in giving a vax (doctors and nurses be aware!) and or helping kids get a vax. 
(No cholent, or ice creams or donuts.)
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
Rav Wosner was always against the vaccine, I believe. So, what's new here?


Schools are demanding that students take the Genetic Code Injection before this fall

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith addresses this issue.

Should Yeshiva students forego their Seminary and Yeshiva experience in Israel because of the vaccine?

Very worthwhile link.

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