Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Open Letter by Zocher HaBrit not to Ratify UAE Deal. Torah Should be Natural State of the Land. The Rebbe Tells MK Zangi. For the Protection of Israel


אל המקום אשר...

Updated October 16,2020

Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement


Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan UAE

Benjamin Netanyahu - Israel

Donald Trump (witness) USA

Both Israel's Cabinet Ministers and Knesset verified the Abrahamic Accords.

We will be monitoring the situation especially if there is an uptick of terror attacks and harassment of Jewish Settlers in Eretz Yisroel.

The G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is a G-d Who Makes Promises and G-d Who Keeps His Promises. 

May all International  agreements regarding the Land of Israel be in accordance and consistent with G-d's vision...namely the Biblical Abrahamic Accords.  This is the  key to true peace, real security and prosperity for all of mankind.


The Rebbe on giving away Land..please fwd to Jared Kushner and Trump Team. Eye to Eye by William Koenig Tysm!


אל המקום אשר….

Hoshana Rabba 5781

Dear Patriots of Israel, 

"For you the world was created." 

"In a place where there is no man be a man."

We have an immediate crisis on our hands.

Netanyahu will formally present for ratification the Abraham Accords to his Cabinet on Monday, October 12th.

Following that, the treaty will be brought before the Knesset for vote.

The Cabinet will be under tremendous pressure to ratify this Abrahamic Accord. If they don't it will make Netanyahu and Trump look very bad. 

On the other hand Israel can't ratify this agreement so long as there is a mere suggestion of a two State Solution as it nullifies G-d's Covenant with our Forefathers and therefore  void in its conception. 

Both Trump and Netanyahu need G-d on their side. 

G-d is probably not happy with Netanyahu's willingness to share Israel's ancestral birthright with the Palestinians. Is it happenstance that Netanyahu couldn't put together a coalition and now has to share a unity government with Gantz?

Trump was doing amazing even with his impeachment hearings. His popularity just increased but then the Deal of the Century was announced Jan. 28, 2020. Is it happenstance that the WHO declared Covid a global emergency Jan 30, 2020 just 2 days later and the economy he brilliantly salvaged nearly collapsed over a short few week time period? 

President Trump is now facing a contested election. Will Trump have to share the Oval Office with the Democrats measure for measure? I don't think he'd like that one bit.

Not too late to save the day!

Introducing Operation Zocher HaBrit.

Between the time you get this email and the time Netanyahu's meeting with his cabinet on Monday we need to "mobilize our troops" and lobby the Cabinet Ministers to agree to sign the Abrahamic Accords only under the following conditions.


- Take out any clauses suggesting self determination of Arabs in the delineated boundaries of Eretz Yisroel.  Such a clause is  inconsistent with the Bible and the Mandate of Palestine which entrusted Britain to be the Trustee to reconstitute Palestine,  to the Jewish People. England with the signing of the White Paper betrayed this trust and closed the border to Jews and opened it to Arabs. 6 million Jews perished in the Holocaust as they had no place of refuge to flee.  

- Add a clause that the Jewish Settlers of Judea and Samaria and other communities will have permission to set up militias and have  the authority to defend themselves if they are attacked by hostile enemies. See clarification below if red warning lights just went on.*

- Add a clause that the textbooks and educational materials used in UNRWA schools and throughout Israel including Judea and Samaria, will be subject to review making sure all hate indoctrination against Israel and the Jewish people are removed. 

If the cabinet ratifies the Abrahamic Accords as presented to them without the proposed clauses that address Pikuach Nefesh, Operation Zocher HaBrit consisting of Jewish Patriots in Israel and the Diaspora will put out a PR campaign on behalf of the Jewish Citizens of Israel with the headlines "Taxation without Representation!" which puts the government of the State of Israel in a negative light.  We would rather not do that!

We want everyone to wake up!

No Justice No Peace!

How is it that citizens of Israel who pay their taxes and whose sons are the first to sign up for combat duty are treated as 2nd class citizens?

We have lots of documentation to support allegations against the government of the State of Israel on their failure to protect and defend their citizens! 

Documentation: Patriots of Israel - Taxation Without Representation

The bottom line is that the State of Israel is doing a very poor job in protecting its citizens, subject to constant stonings, molotov cocktails, rockets, knivings etc. The perpetrators if caught are released and there is no deterrence. 

This has to end!

In addition, what point is there in signing a peace treaty with the UAE, perpetuating the myth of self determination of Arabs in Israel's ancestral homeland? 

The mere suggestion is giving Arabs false hope of autonomy. Arabs live in very close proximity to Jews and to Israelis, and their school education indoctrinates Arab kids to hate Jews and Israel. This is a sure recipe for disaster. 

Who wants a neighbor that hates them?

We are deluding ourselves by calling it normalization.

May Hashem sweeten any evil decree and may all the curses turn into Blessings.


We are suggesting that the Cabinet and Knesset authorize   the formation of militias to help protect Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and elsewhere, militias which specifically  represent their own communities and property,  militias coordinated with the IDF. 

We suggest that a clause of the above suggestion be included  in any signed agreement with the UAE.. 

We are one family. If the State of Israel ties the hand of the IDF and The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT),,

basically turns a blind eye, then Judea and Samaria and all communities for that matter under attack should be given full authority, with the full coordination, support and consent  of the State of Israel, to defend themselves.

It's a novel approach but the State of Israel has gotten itself into a bind and can't seem to adequately defend Judea and Samaria and the Jews living in Judea and Samaria are not being allowed to defend themselves. And many communities outside of Judea and Samaria are experiencing similar threats and are under siege unprotected. The citizens of Sderot for example is a perfect example.

Again, the status quo is not sustainable!

We don't want a civil war Chas veSholom! 

However, all citizens coming from communities in Judea and Samaria and any part of Israel for that matter, including the Negev and the Galil as well, living on the Gaza border should and must be protected!   Especially in communities in Judea and Samaria, where the percentage of combat soldiers relative to other communities are very high, and have loyal Israeli patriots who pay their fair share in taxes, and are sitting on the front line, and live on the  high ground. 

That's the right of every citizen in any country..

This stipulation in turn protects the entire Israel, especially large population centers situated on  low ground like Tel Aviv, Bnei Brak and Ben Gurion.  

Compare the situation in Israel with what triggered the Revolutionary War in America. The Patriots created their own militias when they weren't treated fairly. And it wasn't even because the British were physically attacking them with stones and rockets. It was merely  "taxation without representation".  That was reason enough to fight for freedom!

Of course we don't want a civil war with Jew fighting fellow Jew. These militias are for the purpose of fighting hostile enemies. These enemies of Israel and the Jewish people are stoning innocent travellers on the roads, spreading arson on private property, stealing  livestock or cars, infiltrating communities and perpetrating terror attacks, cutting down or destroying  planted trees, breaking into homes and robbing the occupants,  common in communities near Arab villages, sending rockets and explosive balloons  and spreading fires close to Gaza etc...

Practically if communities  are surrounded by hostile Arabs and can't  defend themselves, and the IDF is not doing their job effectively and COGAT turns a blind eye and even worse, investigates and brings criminal charges against the victims for defending themselves,  then naturally there is no deterrence, and the communities are not safe.

Presenting a Revolutionary but Doable Solution!

Here is an opportunity to suggest that the Settlers in Judea and Samaria be given the opportunity to create a prototype Torah Autonomy.

Not a hostile autonomy to the State of Israel like the PA. The opposite! A sister Autonomy governed by laws that are consistent to Torah as per the Resolution of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah in Marienbad 1937.

...The text of the resolution of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah contains the statements:  "The foundation of the Jewish people's right to the Holy Land is based on the Torah and the prophets.... A Jewish State not based on the principles of Torah is a denial of Jewish origin, is opposed to the identity and to the true stature of our people, and undermines the basis of existence of our people...Any relinquishment of the Holy Land given to the Jewish people by G-d has no validity" (HaPardes, 11:6) See page 8

1989 רחבעם זאבי MK Rechavam Zeevi Asks Lubavitcher Rebbe What More Can be done To Protect Israel. He said Spread Torah Judaism in the Land so it's recognized as the natural state of the Land of Israel

The thought of a Torah Autonomy is revolutionary.  

The current secular State of Israel is not prepared for such a radical change.

However, if a relatively small prototype Torah Autonomy is given a chance to govern according to Torah guidelines in Judea and Samaria where the population is open and would welcome the opportunity, then it might actually allow the world to see a Torah run government and judge for itself. 

It is our belief, hope and prayer that such an experiment will prove to be an eye opener and the world will say. Am Chacham veNavon , a smart and wise Nation ...

A government in Israel based on Torah is what we pray for daily.

Are our prayers relevant or mere lip service?


Tamar Adelstein Stop Ratification of Abrahamic Accords

Women in Green - Ribonut

The Sovereignty Movement to the ministers and members of Knesset: Demand clarification and transparency before voting to ratify the agreement with the Emirates: On Sovereignty, security, the Temple Mount and not agreeing to two states.

Crown Heights Women: Abraham Accords - RETURN OF HOPE or HOPE OF RETURN? Will 100,000 Palestinian Emigres Now In The UAE Be Invited Back To Help Populate An Emerging Palestinian State?

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