Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Fwd: Transcription Interview Jamie Glazov and Daniel Greenfield. How being an Orthodox Jew and being a leftist is ideologically impossible and is a contradiction in terms


Thank you Myriam Gabay for sharing this with me.

Glazov Gang: Can a Devout Jew Be a Leftist?

The Glazov Gang


5:53 Jamie: In terms of your identity, in terms of your faith why are they [Orthodox Jews] so opposed to the leftist vision of the world and why does the leftist viewpoint so much hate the Judeo-Christian tradition and also the Jewish people and Israel etc?

Daniel: At the most basic level, the left is a secular religion. It worships man rather than God. It's powered by the idea that we can actually take government and replace God with government and then build an entire cultic personality, an entire religion around people, or monsters really, such as Stalin, or Hitler or Castro or ____, all other ones such as Mao and with that cultic personality we can justify human sacrifice such as the sacrifice of millions of people to show the power of government. Anti God is the most fundamental level (of leftist ideology) and it invariably comes after the Jews because if you're building an ideology that's hostile to God as opposed to the very idea of God and of spirituality in the world then you have to trust the very people who introduced this into the world. If you believe that there's nothing in this world but material reality, that there's nothing meaningful but force and power then the best way to demonstrate that is, again,to destroy the Jews. 

Jamie: Yes, and I've read a lot on this. Jews are hated very much by many in the world because they created conscience.

Daniel: Yes, that's the fundamental reality of it because conscience comes from the recognition that there's a higher moral authority; that there's something outside ourselves.If there's nothing outside ourselves then conscience is meaningless. It's just how you're just accountable to yourself. It's something like honor. If you recognize that there is a God then you recognize that there's something higher than you that you have to be accountable to. There's somebody who knows what you did and [to whom] you can't lie to,and that's a very powerful idea. 

Jamie: And when you are a self appointed social redeemer and you make yourself a God,then you hate the idea of God and of a God's hierarchy (?).

Daniel: There's no room for it at all because the left seeks (?) salvation and damnation  from within man so man is destroying the world through global warming, or whatever they'recall it now; climate change and then man can save the world by recycling. There's the whole drama of salvation and damnation and redemption; you can transform the world; you can change the world. There's sin. Sin goes against anything that the left believes in; against any of its social policies. And of course there are the good deeds. There is redemption through social justice. And all this is meant to displace the actual religion and any idea of God so you have to destroy those things in order to make the ideology of the left completely triumphant in the world and that's why every leftist regime is invariably militantly socialist,anti religious and it persecutes religious people. 

Jamie: Daniel, how can a person that considers himself a Jew, possibly be a leftist? [Yet] there are so many leftist Jews.

Daniel: Well they can't. When we're talking about Jews we're talking about a race, an ethnic group and we're also talking about a religion. Now there are of course plenty of people with Jewish last names who are ethnically..., [who were] originally were Jewish but that's___ meaningless. Jewish is an identity and it's also a religious practice of something that you bring down from your parents and something that you pass down to your children. If your not part of this continuous chain then you're not part of the Jewish people; you're just a person with a Jewish last name. Now, the process of leftist  ___tation has created a weird very reality that, for example, the majority of American Jews rate having a sense of humor as being more important to being Jewish then actually believing in religion of attending synagogue anytime on a regular basis. Having a sense of humor is very nice and I think I have a little bit of a sense of humor but if you think that your identity and the identity of the Jewish people is defined by having a sense of humor than you're kind of out to lunch. 

Jamie: And it could be legitimately said that leftist Jews are ultimately Jews that are trying to shed themselves of their own Judaism.

Daniel: That's very much so. So there's kind of a historical basis for this. Once the left took over it provided opportunities to assimilate, to integrate into society in exchange for abandonment of religion and     this was a very explicit bargain and in the Society Union it was far more explicitly, basically... For example my grandfather was never able to get a higher education because his father was actually considered a religious worker which meant that in Soviet terms he was one of the followers of a cult which meant that he could never have proper civil rights. So the Soviet Union did everything it could to stamp out Judaism,to stamp out the practice of religion because it's goal was to wipe [religion] out. Now the people of the Soviet Union refusing to do this dirty, at least initially,  were known as the Yevsektsiya, or The Jewish Section, so they would take these leftist Jews; and these people [leftist Jews] would very willingly and very enthusiastically would shut down synagogues, they would inform on people, they would attack worshipers during services,they would attack rabbis, they wound denounce people and make sure they were sent to the Gulag where they were executed because it was this kind of civil war between those Jews who actually believed in the religion and those [Jews] who believed in the left and that civil war is still going on today. 

Jamie: Right, because when the left creates its Utopian paradise where everybody holds hands and is equal the Jew that hates himself or is somewhere trying to shed himself of his Judaism or is maybe so frightened by anti-Semitism, he doesn't have to be a Jew anymore in that Utopian paradise. Right?

Daniel: That's exactly so. And this is something that Lenin wrote about, it's something that Cherwells (?) and others wrote about. Their sales pitch was that there are actually no Jews and that these people were just being singled out and were a bit confused and [that they]were going to integrate with the rest of society and their Jewishness will banish and those that refuse to are reactionaries and they're going to have to be cracked down on and this was their general approach to religion. 

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