Friday, February 28, 2020

Re: Rav Feldman"s Psak not to vote in the WZC? Maybe reading the platform of ARZA and HATIKVAH will convince Rabbi Feldman what's at stake.


To Those Who Wonder Why Should We Vote in the WZC Elections...Introducing ARZA Slate: Association of Reform Zionists of America Equality. Democracy. Pluralism. Israel and HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel Slate. We are Hope - We are the Progressive Israel Slate

Please open and print the following link for Rabbonim like HaRav Feldman who are against voting in the WZC yet perhaps are unfamiliar with these anti Torah Platforms and what's at stake and may not realize the full repercussions of such a Psak .

FYI The Jerusalem Program Statement
"Strengthening Israel as a Jewish, Zionist and democratic state and shaping it as an exemplary society with a unique moral and spiritual character, marked by mutual respect for the multi-faceted Jewish people, rooted in the vision of the prophets, striving for peace and contributing to the betterment of the world."

As you can see from ARZA and HATIKVAH  in the above link, they distort the Jerusalem Program statement to redefine Judaism to fit their progressive agenda.  It is quite obvious that the "Vision of the Prophets" is diametrically opposed to the vision of the HaTikvah party.

By Torah Jews rejecting "Zionism", and the WZC election, we actually encourage and allow  "Secular Zionism" to hijack true Zionism and replace Torah values  with their own values.

Rather than  not allowing this to happen by standing strong and educating naive and indoctrinated Jews to the Truth of our Heritage, we allow the Sitra Acher to misrepresent Zionism and the Jewish people. 

For thousands of years Jews pray daily for the return to Zion. If Zionism was an evil thing surely we would not include it in our prayers.  

Being a "Jewish Democratic State" is an oxymoron and is self contradictory statement when you take Democracy to an extreme as they have done.  Yes there is Democracy within Judaism as the majority rules.... except when it's for evil. 

If they are purely Democratic as per their terms,  then they can simply vote out being a Jewish State thereby possibly voting in a totalitarian State that takes away their democracy leaving them with nothing but tyranny.

Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky of Phildelphia Yeshiva had recently taken the same position as Rabbi Brudny to support voting in the WZC for Eretz HaKodesh.  A viral phone recording has circulated that backs this up.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020, 9:57 PM Robin Ticker <> wrote:
Rabbi Feldman's Psak against voting in the WZC election. 

No photo description available.


The TEXT of the letter to Rav Feldman  asking whether to vote in the WZC election and the Rav's reply:
Dear Rav Feldman, 
Does the Rosh Yeshiva have an opinion regarding whether one should vote in the WZO election? In order to vote one has to affirm in their belief of the "Jerusalem Program" which is the official platform of the World Zionist Organization. 

M. S.
Miami Beach FL

Rav Feldman's reply
"My opinion is that a Jew is forbidden to declare that he is a member or ascribes to a program of an organization whose platform fails to recognize that the Jewish nation is a nation which received the Torah at Sinai. Such a Declaration is a Chilul Hashem (Desecration of G-d's Name) and may not be made no matter what material or spiritual benefits will thereby accrue. "

With deep respect, 
Aharon Feldman

fyi: Video of haRav Brudny saying it's not a problem.  This was addressed years ago and voting in the WZC is no different than Israeli elections of today that include parties like UTJ.  -- 

My comments to Rabbi Feldman

Dear Rabbi Feldman
The Jerusalem Program

Please note the language:
rooted in the vision of the prophets

 Rav Feldman, Isn't this an affirmation of משה קבל תורה מסיני?

The hope is that enough Yirei Shamayim will vote in this WZC election, and there are enough Torah slates among the 15 slates that  "recognize that the Jewish nation is a nation which received the Torah at Sinai".

By democratically voting for a Jewish and Torah slate, this will change the demographics of the WZC. Surely, with a majority of members who are Masorati, clarity can be inserted into the official platform of the Jerusalem Program to spell out what probably was the initial intention of the writers. 

It is clear the authors of the Jerusalem Platform want Jewish continuity.  Why do we assume otherwise? 


"The JERUSALEM PROGRAM is the official platform of the WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION and the global Zionist movement, having been most recently amended and adopted in June 2004, as the successor statement to the "Basel Program" of 1897 adopted at the First Zionist Congress convened by Theodor Herzl. The Jerusalem Program states that: Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, brought about the establishment of the State of Israel, and views a Jewish, Zionist, democratic and secure State of Israel to be the expression of the common responsibility of the Jewish people for its continuity and future."

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