Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Please Partner With The Sovereignty Movement - Ribonut!!!! We in Chutz LeAretz, in the Diaspora, must do our Share. We are not exempt!


Please listen to Nadia Matar  interviewed on the Tamar Yonah Show. This is a fabulous interview.

Nadia can't be clearer. Oslo, she said was a disaster for the Arabs!!!! 

Nadia quoted Ashraf Jabari from Hebron.

Please read about him on hebron.org. Jabari has a close relationship with the Trump administration as well.

Hebron Palestinian Arabs Prefer Israeli Sovereignty.
Arabs criticize the PA and lays out a vision of successful Arab life under Israeli sovereignty.

Ashraf Jabari, who hopes to attend economic peace summit in Bahrain which fellow tycoons have joined PA in boycotting, says two-state solution no longer the way forward

Nadia quoted Jabari saying that Oslo,  put thugs in control and was not to the benefit of the Arab population.

Tamar Yonah then asked Nadia why Hebron residents then voted for a terrorist as Mayor of Hebron?

Nadia replied that most Arabs are very afraid of those in control. (Is it happenstance that Sadat was murdered? Will any PA leader risk their life for peace? my comments)  

However, according to Nadia,  if Arabs are given no option of a Palestinian State, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, Arabs will be happy under Israel Sovereignty and there will be peace. 

The alternative, a Palestinian State, brings a security nightmare for Israel, Arabs, the US and Western Civilization,  with Ben Gurion airport within rocket range and a Demographic nightmare waiting to happen with millions of Arabs potentially encouraged to stream to the new State to upset the Jewish demographic majority.

But that's not the real reason it can't happen. 

This Land was Promised by 
Almighty G-d to Israel. 

Google "Tribes of Israel" and see how the Land was divided thousands of years ago among the Tribes of Israel. Israel is our ancestral homeland!
So how can we in the Diaspora partner with the Sovereignty Movement?

Very simply. Become part of it.

In Israel it costs 18₪. Life! One who joins gets a membership card that entitles one to  discounts towards businesses in Judea and Samaria.

We can also pay in dollars. All amounts are most welcome especially larger amounts! 

However, the amount is less important than the numbers of people who join! A large membership sends a loud message to those in government, that the people want Sovereignty!

Nadia said the Government of Israel lost an historic opportunity in 1967 when we were in shock following a miraculous victory!  A shame we didn't declare Sovereignty immediately then.

Joining the Sovereignty Movement now sends the overdue message to our G-d that YES... we do Desire the Land for which we have yearned for centuries!!!!

Please visit https://mtyc.co/v33caf  to join the Sovereignty Movement!

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