Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Fwd: From Chaim Deutsch re: Thank you for your support


This Ad to raise funds for Chaim Deutsch for Congress   (see below) was paid for by:.
Flexible & free fundraising tools to harness the power of the grassroots
8,659,752 Democratic donors have saved their payment information with us via an ActBlue Express account.
. :( 

It is clear that Actblue helps Fundraising for Democrat candidates. is a fabulous tool! 

Why don't Republicans have this kind of tool as well? 

Dear Councilman Deutsch, עמוש

Don't get into deeper dependency on a party that is using you to gain them  legitimacy.

You will not have the power under the existing Democrats to fulfill your promises. 

Common sense is not the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. Party line is.  This campaign is deceitful in the sense that you fail to mention your party affiliation knowing it's a turnoff to your market. You need to be independent of the Democratic Party to succeed to accomplish good.

Who needs you to succeed in empowering evil?

Hashem is Almighty.  None of us can fight the forces of evil without Hashem on our side.

Being a registered Democrat is very problematic!

May the Almighty find you a Kosher source of income and funding for a Republican candidacy. 

ברכה והצלחה לטובה

Why G-d Fearing Citizens Can No Longer Register as Democrats

Newspaper: please feel free to use this post on Shemittahrediscovered. as an Op Ed in your paper.

It's not only about Benjamin's... 

On Wed, Feb 19, 2020, 3:01 PM Chaim Deutsch <> wrote:
Our campaign has hit the ground running, and I am so grateful for your support.

Thank you for your support!

As a New York City Councilman since 2014, I have been proud to serve my constituents and represent their interests in City Hall. 

Now I'm taking a step towards a new opportunity to represent you in the United States Congress. I will be YOUR voice in Washington and the strongest of advocates for the hard working people of New York City.

I want YOU to have a better quality of life, and I am committed to continuing the fight for safe streets, improved housing conditions, better education options for our children, resources for our special needs youth, and access to the best job opportunities. I will be the voice for common sense that is often missing in the US Congress. 

I can only succeed with your help.

Please support our campaign today and help me get out my message. Please contribute any amount to our campaign. I am grateful for your continued support!

Warmest regards, 

Chaim Deutsch

Support Chaim for Congress!

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