Saturday, January 18, 2020

Eretz HaKodesh | Vote to Protect Kedusha and Mesorah in Eretz Yisrael fyi


Please visit Eretz HaKodesh website.

The delegates:

RESPECTING Torah standards of Shabbos, the Kosel, Kashrus, Conversion, Marriage and Divorce..

Ad appearing in Mishpacha Magazine Parshat Shmot, 18 Teves 5780, January 15, 2020 p13.

According to their website, Eretz HaKodesh slate is conducting a major campaign to raise awareness of the WZC elections and how voting for a Torah Slate will protect the Torah Values we hold dear in EY.

Being passive and not voting serves to empower slates that represent progressive agendas that are contrary to Torah and do  not reflect the true character of the Nation of Israel.

There are several of the 15 slates that are wholesome who love the Land of Israel in its entirety including Judea and Samaria. Eretz HaKodesh is one of them.

There are unfortunately slates which are progressive who may call themselves Zionist but are so in name only... and in the name of Democracy, equality and progressive values they partner with Israel's enemies to remove the Jewish Character from the State of Israel. We, who want Israel to retain it's Jewish character based on our Biblical Heritage do not want these parties to receive funding nor empowerment.

Our yearning for Zion goes back thousands of years. Zion is the Place where G-d commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. It is the place where G-d appeared to Jacob, the G-d of Isaac and the G-d of Abraham Promising the Land of Israel to them  and to their future seed.  

Every day, 3 times a day Jews face Jerusalem and pray to return To Zion.

 From Zion will come forth Torah.

כי מציון תצא תורה ודבר ה` מירושלים

Isaiah 2:3

Zionism is not a recent secular makeover of Judaism beginning 1948 as many erroneously believe.

Unfortunately the word Zionism has been hijacked.

The truth is, that Zionism has been around from time immemorial.  

These prominent Chareidi Rabbis understand the  imperative of being properly represented and alternatively, the threat if we are passive and do not participate in this election.

From their website

"ERETZ HAKODESH delegates represent the Yeshiva, Chasidic, Sephardic, and Israeli Torah communities of the United States.

If we are not represented, the influence, decision making, and allocation of funds will be controlled by those that do not have our best interests in mind.

Numerous Rabbanim, including HaRav Yitzchak Berkowitz and HaRav Asher Weiss of Yerushalayim, and HaRav Elya Brudny of New York, feel there is much merit in this endeavor and are encouraging us in our efforts.

Ads will be featured in…
Additional media outlets to be added...

(This is massive!!!!,)

Vos Iz Neias
The Yeshiva World
The Lakewood Scoop
FJJ Flatbush Jewish Journal
The Jewish Home
Bukharian Jewish Link
Queens Jewish Link
Jewish Press
The Shopper ,(Lakewood)
The Monsey Mevasser
The Voice of Lakewood
Philadelphia Jewish Link
JCCMP (JCC of Marine Park)


Dayan (Rabbi) Osher (Usher, Asher) Zelig Weiss[1](1953- ) is the current Rosh Kollel of Machon Minchas Osher L'Torah V'Horaah. He grew up in a Klausenberger family in Borough Park, Brooklyn.[2]
He is the author of the Minchas Osher, an Av Beis Din, Rosh Kollelposek, and is well known in Haredi circles for having traveled to the United States with Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman and Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter, the Gerrer Rebbe. He frequently gives classes at American yeshivos in Israel.
Yitzchak Shmuel Halevi Berkovits (Hebrewיצחק שמואל הלוי ברקוביץ‎) is an American-born Orthodox Jewish rabbirosh yeshivarosh kollel, and posek (arbiter of Jewish law) in Israel. In 16 years as Menahel Ruchani (spiritual director) of Yeshivas Aish HaTorah and halakha (Jewish law) lecturer at EYAHT, Aish HaTorah's College of Jewish Studies for Women, he built a reputation as a lucid orator on Jewish law and philosophical topics and a mentor to hundreds of English-speaking, baalei teshuva young men and women. In 2001, he founded The Jerusalem Kollel, a rabbinic ordination and training program which prepares students for kiruv (outreach) positions around the world. In 2019, he was appointed rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem. He also serves as rosh kollel of an international network of evening kollelim run by Linas HaTzedek: The Center for Jewish Values in Israel and the United States, which spreads the awareness of the laws of bein adam lechaveiro (mitzvot between man and his fellow man).
Rav Elya Brudny Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva MIR and Member of Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah
THE ROSHEI YESHIVA SPEAK OUT: Rav Elya Brudny and Rav Yisroel Reisman Pen Joint Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal on NYS Yeshiva Curriculum Rules.
Rabbi Brudny took a leadership position re: NY curriculum...
In a sign of the historic challenge confronting the yeshiva community, the Roshei Yeshiva reached out to the mainstream media to raise the alarm about the new curriculum guidelines.
We surely don't want anti Torah ideology hijacking Zionist education in Israel! 
We want the real thing!

Who NOT to vote for... This recommendation was written by a group actually advocating for the ZOA slate (a very strong  right wing Zionistic slate that shares Biblical values as well.)

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