Monday, December 23, 2019

On Black Supremacy and the failure of the Mainstream Black Community to condemn Black Anti-Semitism and Hate


In Judaism and in the Torah, rebuking sinners happens all the time.

Even if an individual is righteous, if they sin, there is mention of it in the Torah and usually a price to pay.   It is recognized and accepted that Jews are human and don't always act in a way that is proper in God's eyes or in the eyes of fellow man. They are admonished and punished.  This is to teach others about reward and punishment, right from wrong. 

True repentance is an option but it must be preceeded with acknowledgment of wrongdoing.

In  Judaism, Kingship,  is rooted in the willingness to admit that one sinned. King David and his lineage, comes from the Tribe of Judah. This is the line of Kingship and this Tribe's greatest strengths is exemplified by owning up to ones wrongdoings, being a grateful recipient appreciative of all the good, plus expressing thanks and singing praises to G-d.

Judaism as a religion and the Torah does not cover up sinners nor sins. The Torah  and Prophets are filled with narratives of Jews sinning.

Soros, Bernie Sanders, Jerry Nadler,  Charles Schumer, J Street etc. are examples of progressive Jews that have strayed from G-ds Covenant with the Nation of Israel. They align with the political left and fellow  Democrats who have embedded Islamists and black antisemites in their ranks and cover for black-antisemites and their hate crimes to boot. 

They rush to condemn IDF of crimes against humanity when the IDF is engaged in Self Defense the Right of any Sovereign Nation and they slander Settler Youth in Judea and Samaria who SYMBOLIZE  the "Occupation" of being Terrorists and Ticking Time bombs  with no credible evidence other than graffiti and forced confessions (following torture and no habeas corpus). 

As fellow Jews we will and should admonish Jews who defy, rebel and betray G-d and the Torah. 

The mainstream leadership in the Black Community under the alliance of the Democrats cover up wrongdoings of those who have committed horrific crimes and are black.  We have yet to hear strong condemnation of hate crimes and rhetoric resulting in the cold blooded murder of Jews by antiSemitic Black Supremicists.

Antisemitic Blacks typically project their own hatred of Jews and accuse Jews of racism and White Supremacy without factual evidence of any kind.

G-d fearing Jews condemn evil Jews like Soros who funds and empowers evil. Why can't the Black Community condemn the black-antisemites, perpetrators of recent hate crimes  in Jersey City, Boro Park, Williamsburg and Crown Heights?

May G-d Bless leaders like Pastor Dumisani and Rabbi Capers Funnye an authentic Black Hebrew, who do!

By Pastor Dumisani Temsgen Washington

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..."Over the past two years, the frequency of the assaults has increased sharply. Most of them have been perpetrated by black, Islamist and black anti-Semites are deeply embedded in the political left."

Political auto-immune disease among Diaspora Jews
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On Islamic Supremacy
Hizb-ut-Tahrir Leader: exMuslims should be put to death

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