Monday, December 16, 2019

Fwd: Watch "House judiciary passes resolution on impeachment probe rules" on YouTube. The Democratic Party controlling House Judiciary.


Democrats are projecting their own sins and guilt on Republican Party and on President Trump. If we want to have insight into their wrongdoings we need only to hear their accusations and then investigate them for these same wrongdoings. Their accusations against Trump has succeeded to now expose their own crimes.

The Democrats on Impeachment Then and now.

Mike Huckabee on Democrats wanting to impeach a President they can't stand before the investigation begins.

Mike Huckabee on Deep State. IG report: FBI "colluded" with DNC and Hillary, and doctored the evidence 
December 16, 2019


Please watch and forward!

Watch "House judiciary passes resolution on impeachment probe rules" on YouTube.  1:42:16

A partisan vote. The Democrats exposed... We knew they were bad but watching them control impeachment preceedings brings the point home. 

Fellow New Yorkers...Do we still want to register as Democrats? How much lower can we fall? 

Listen to the persuasive arguments by extremely intelligent, sometimes brilliant, knowledgeable Republicans professionals in the legal profession interested in truth and justice. 

No need for the Democrats in this judiciary to even address this miscarriage  of justice since they know their partisan vote in the House Judiciary chaired by Jerrold  Nadler will easily outvote any opposition no matter how cogent  the points.

At least the American people now hear the other side and judge and hold accountable the Democrats of the House Judiciary holding the appearance of "hearings of impeachment" which are not legally binding hearings of impeachment, of a duely elected President who has been denied due process by self governed rules denying  open hearings and cross examination.

Just watching this obstruction of justice in the US Congress controlled by Democrats, in the House Judiciary no less,  is reason enough  to be convinced to register as a Republican and 

Th charade of justice should convince us of the importance of voting for  deserving candidates. It is insufficient to just vote for the President who is a Republican as he too is at their mercy.. Let us look at ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves "how did these clowns who call themselves Democrats get elected?"

 Bh At least for this hearing we as Americans still had the opportunity to hear the other side, worthy and thinking elected Republicans who did not disappoint us with their well researched and thought out remarks...

Any empowerment, association or dependency with the unG-dly Democratic party,  which masquerades as a legitimate party is very bad news! Hashem Yerachem!

PS Politics of a corrupt judiciary in Israel nowadays with lengthy investigations persecuting and prosecuting  Hilltop Youth and PM Netanyahu with no oversight, with noone investigating the investigators, parallels whats going on here in the USA.. 

Former Governor  Mike Huckabee has good insight  as per how powerful unelected bureaucrats control politics in both parties.

Trump is FORCING the DEEP STATE to the Surface [] Huckabee. 4:36

Trump got elected independently, without the Deep State and the powers at large are quite desperate and fighting back with a vengeance.

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