Saturday, October 19, 2019

On Trump betraying the Kurds. A bigger picture. Research and First Hand Reports from Andrew Bostom and Nahren Anweya Sent to Prominant and Expert Jewish and Non-denominational Organizations


Jackson Richman
Washington Correspondent JNS and Jewish Website
Michael Makovsky 
CEO and President of JINSA
Mr. Schanzer 
Senior Vice President  of Foundation of Defense of Democracies

A letter similar to this was already sent to the 
David Efune 
Editor-in-Chief Algemeiner
David Harris 
Chief Executive Officer AJC
Malcolm Hoenlein 
Executive Vice Chairman Conference of Presidents

Re: Trump's 'impulsive' decision to leave Syria undermines Israel's interests, according to experts


Actual Kurdish Muslim treatment of Jews today and in the past
First-hand accounts of the oppression and antisemitism experienced by Jewish communities under Kurdish dominion.

Neither the Kurds nor Turkey can be trusted to prosecute ISIS. When it fits their agenda they are complicit.

Can these expert and prominent Jewish and non-denominational Organizations please explain why there has been no outrage of horror and anguish at the plight of the Yezidis who were massacred, their men beheaded and their women enslaved and their children indoctrinated, groomed as ISIS jihadis since 2014 because the Kurds abandoned them. 

Can we really depend on the Kurds or the Turks to bring justice to ISIS?

Cruel ISIS  perpetrators are still at large, many with known identities, no secret, and they have yet to be brought to justice as there is no International Court of Law to defend and enforce basic laws of Universal Morality based on the 7 Noahide laws. Dangerous criminals, guilty of the worst atrocities against humanity, have yet to be prosecuted.

My question to you is why haven't any international courts of justice been established to prosecute KNOWN ISIS terrorists guilty of war crimes and atrocities?!?

What comes to mind is something similar to the Nuremberg trials for the Nazis. 

The UN has a proven track record of being complicit with the evil itself. 

They too can not be depended on to apprehend and convict the ISIS terrorists.


Kurdish predatory mass killings of Christians and Yazidis are well-characterized and went on for centuries. Grinding persecution continues to this day, as can be gleaned from detailed reports by both Assyrian and Yazidi organizations (hereherehere)
[*] Kurdish "region(s)" were ethnically cleansed of Jews by the late 19th/early 20th centuries in a series a pogroms, compounded by constant grinding persecution including enslavement of Jewish families handed over between generations of Kurds as "family property". (p. 658p. 108)


The Kurds....not so innocent...(Neither are the Turks)..See What Nahren Anweya - Assyrian Christian has to say about the Kurds...

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