Thursday, October 03, 2019

Open Letter to Jews to express HaKoras HaTov, appreciation to President Trump and to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani


Time for Great Men of Faith, Torah Organizations like Agudah and OU to Show HaKoras HaTov, our Deep Appreciation to President Trump and to former Mayor Giuliani!  

I know that as individuals the Jewish People, at least in Orthodox circles do have tremendous appreciation for President Trump and to the former Mayor of NY, Mayor Giuliani. 

Even our elected officials who are Democrats in name, feel this appreciation but are afraid to express it.

Living in NY where our community is so dependent on the Democrats and the local government for social services and programs benefitting our community, we are afraid to be forthcoming and honestly express how deeply we truly feel.

Maybe we can learn from our forefather Abraham how sometimes G-d tests His Chosen to sacrifice everything for His sake.

If is not by coincident that President Trump and his family and close circle of friends are now subject to vicious attacks that is reminiscent of hateful AntiSemitic attacks against Jews. The closer he comes to the Truth and to G-ds agenda, the more desperate are G-d's enemies' determination to destroy him. 

These attacks are coming from desperation! They deligitimize him and suppress him in order to suppress G-dliness.

It is therefore especially incumbent upon our community to defend the President and Giuliani because in so doing we are defending G-d's rule of Law for the world and help empower the President to fight evil and fight the socialist progressive leftist unG-dly agenda the Democrats are pushing. 

As Mike Huckabee points out, we need to educate our people, and the world between right and wrong irrespective of feelings.  This is the foundation upon which America was built...."One Nation under G-d with liberty and justice for all."

This is not a political statement Republican vs Democrat. It is one in support of Biblical values that the President and his team consistently fights for and cherish.

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