Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Meanwhile, This Is What LGBTQ Organizations Are Doing to Society - The Dennis Prager Show...My comments The Sin of the Generation of the Flood.



The generation of the Flood was known for its immorality, idol worship and Hamas... translated as robbery and theft.

The earth itself was corrupted.

Isn't it ironic that the LGBTQ movement uses the 🌈 as their symbol reminding us of the Promise G-d made to the world following the Flood. Perhaps they believe that this Covenant will somehow protect them from getting destroyed because of their immoral behavior.

As Jews we must fight this leftist, progressive, socialist agenda permeating society and promoted by the leaders of the Democratic Party in particular who have hijacked the Democratic Party. It has come to the point where the "Democratic Party" betrays American values and ethical moral behavior rather than represent America as the party once did.

This  "Party" is  empowering Islamitization of America and empowered the Quad into elected positions and further empowered them by placing them on committees of influence. They have empowered Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood under the Obama Administration and only by G-d's Grace was Trump elected into office.

Meanwhile, ISIS has morphed into radical Islamic factions and the robbing, kidnapping, raping, torture, genocide of the Yezidi population is ongoing.  This too is an expression of Hamas no different than the generation of the Flood.

We as the Jewish Nation, a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation, can't be insular and expect to be unaffected by such a corrupt  society.

It corrupts the very earth itself!

We can not stand by.  We must challenge and stop this Curriculum in California and in Illinois before the indoctrination takes root.  There is plenty evidence to prove that it is biased and sees history in a lens that basically rewrites history according to the narrative they wish to present.  It rewrites the Holocaust and Genocides etc.  It imposes  "values and morality" that normalizes immorality and leaves G-d out.

It is insufficient to lobby just for private schools. We must lobby for the Torah for society which are the 7 Noahide Laws.

Anavim, Anavim...

This is not a time to be humble...

May Hashem reward us in kind with Peace and Prosperity!

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