Friday, August 09, 2019

Make your voice heard | Yeshivos By Choice


The root of the problem is that we consistently voted in leftist, progressive, socialist, anti G-d, anti Israel, antiSemitic leaning Democrats without mobilizing Am Yisroel to challenge them politically by supporting electable pro America, pro Israel alternatives.

Let us now begin to join forces and let them see that bullying Yeshiva Education into forcing their leftist Educational agenda is politically counterproductive and they have crossed the line.

Let Agudah openly encourage everyone to register as Republicans and to vote and lobby and campaign for Republicans!

There is no problem re: losing 501c3 status.  

It's about Freedom of Religion which the Democratic Party is clandestinely suppressing because their "morals" and "values" are "superior" to the existing model around since the beginning of time. (Promoting Late term abortions, gender fluidity etc)

I am sure that approach of refusing to work bipartisan so long as they don't represent America will quickly reverse this legislation.

The key is going on the offensive on the leadership of the Democrat Party which is empowering this legislation.

Appeasement is not an option!

Why are we surprised at this legislation?


1 comment:

  1. Why I quit the Democratic Party:
    (and why you should, too!)
