Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fwd: Disloyalty to the Jewish people and Disloyalty to Israel


Lichvod HaRabbonim and Haaskanim, shlita and amvsh

President Trump is speaking Emes. 

Let me add that by encouraging Jews to register as Democrats for local elections, practically, we must therefore ignore, turn a blind eye,  to the anti G-d anti Israel, anti Jew agenda of the Democratic Party. 

How can we really effectively challenge, expose and reverse the unG-dly Democratic Leadership  and platform in America when we are dependent on them for funding for our community and choose to be members of their party?

Do we ignore the perverted  use of the 馃寛 pushing an immoral platform for society hoping we can somehow not be affected? 

As members of this society is it even possible to  disassociate from it as much as we try? 

I am also talking to the media on this cc list. I am aware that Big advertisers,  threaten withdrawing advertising from media who don't present LGBTQ in a positive light.  Practically will you too suppress the position of Torah if it means limiting income for the paper to appease the progressive left?

We learn from keeping Shemittah properly, that we won't starve even if we don't have a dependable source of income. Hashem will provide! ( In fact we probably will gain weight after partying all year going into everyone's fields and taking what we need for free :)

But by turning a blind eye aren't we disloyal to Hashem and the Torah for Israel and the Nations of the World? 

How can we run away from the Divine Will and directive of being a 诪诪诇讻转 讻讛谞讬诐 讜讙讜讬 拽讚讜砖?

Democrats will eventually hate us the most for not being true to Torah.

Robert Curry: Transgender insanity: Another big battle in the war on common sense

Newly Elected Missouri Democrat Council Member Sworn in on Dr. Seuss Book Instead of Bible - Geller Report News
Being Emesdic, True to Hashem s Torah is the only practical way to real peace and prosperity in Israel and in the Diaspora. 

The words of Sefer Devarim, and the Promise of Eretz Yisroel to Am Yisroel is repeated over and over... if only we Am Yisroel keep the Chukim and Mishpatim! 

Please encourage everyone to have tremendous Kavana as we read Sefer Devarim, no lip service...real Kavana, so that we collectively  experience BS"D the love and yearning of Eretz 
Yisroel as did Moshe Rabbeinu!

Kli Yakar on 讜讬砖讘 讬砖专讗诇 讘讗专抓 讙砖谉

Anavim, Anavim... We can't sit on the fence. 

May Hashem give us the Koach 诇注砖讜转 讞讬诇!

After his remarks were misinterpreted, the US president clarified to reporters that he was referring to disloyalty to Israel and not necessarily America saying: "If you vote for a Democrat, you're being disloyal to Jewish people and you're being very disloyal to Israel."

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019, 11:32 PM Robin Ticker <> wrote:
Trump: Any Jewish People Who Votes for the Democrats Shows Total Lack of Knowledge Or Great Disloyalty,7340,L-5572637,00.html

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