Tuesday, July 16, 2019

More on Urgent Request by Torah UMesorah Rabbanim to Yeshiva Parents and their suggested letter to the Board of Regents


Excellent letter courtesy of Torah UMesorah thanks to Rabbi Bender, Rabbi Brudny and Rabbi Reisman!

Torah UmeSorah has an urgent request for Yeshiva  parents...that is   to send a personalized letter to the  NY Board of Regents asking them not to impose government  control and regulation on private education of Yeshivot over the will of the parents. 

Besides a heavy load of Jewish education curriculum in private schools leaving no time for extraneous material, Jewish parents deliberately do not choose a secular education based on curriculum with values and morality that often are at odds with religious education for our children. That is why we spend significant sums of money for a Private school education with no tax exemptions while paying taxes to pay for public schools.

My comment to Torah UMesorah is that this campaign even if successful G-d willing won't suffice.  It's excellent but we need to go a step further. It is not sufficient to insulate our Yeshiva students from an education that is contrary to Torah.   We need to protect all New Yorkers from misguided values and education. As hard as we try, perverted values and morals will seep into our "insulated" society as we absorb from our surroundings.

When society embraces values contrary to Torah for Noahides, in that they violate the 7 Noahide laws,  and teach these perverted values as the norm to impressionable kids, aren't we as Jews obligated to stop this from happening?

A moral and just society consistent with Torah is ultimately for the benefit of the general society, and benefits their health, safety, prosperity and well being. 

There is a difference between right and wrong and a society that adheres to the 7 Noahide Laws gets it. 

America from its foundation, its Constitution and Bill of Rights etched in our consciousness, originating from the religious values of the Founding fathers, adheres to these 7 Noahide laws. Surely that is the key to Americas success and Strength!

We as Jews are extremely grateful for America for being a bastion of loving kindness to those of us who were children of legal immigrants whose parents and their descendants enjoyed the freedom, opportunity and well being that goes along with living in America and we are truly Blessed!

Look at failing States, failing  economies, you will see the consequences of their actions for defying laws of Universal Morality. Stealing property or even kidnapping, Immorality sometimes to barbaric proportions as practiced by ISIS, corrupt enforcement of the law, bribery, and laws that sanction murder and criminality even genocide, making it  normative. 

Let's keep America  "One Nation under G-d Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all".

See links to the Lubavitcher Rebbe and Rabbi Soloveitchik on current topics of the day....

NY elected officials are by majority Democrat, leftist socialist and progressive, and share leftist "values and morals". They are trying to aggressively to take over the narrative of what is right and wrong based on feelings and sensitivity rather than G-ds Rule of Law passed on from time immemorial from these Noahide Laws.

Who if not Torah Jews can stop this coup de'tat before it's too late? 

Im lo Achshav Eimasai! If Not Now then when?

Torah Umesorah's suggested letter to Board of Regents re State Education pending regulation requirements. My Comments

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