Thursday, April 04, 2019

Yazidis Demands for Help 2019. Letter to Secretary of State Pompeo. Lives and Property are in Grave Danger!


Letter to Secretary of State Michael Pompeo March 15, 2019 by Shiekh Mirza Ismail leader of Yazidis.

See list of his urgent demands towards end of letter that are essential for their survival. 

See Mirza Ismail's letter to Rabbi Cooper of Simon Weisenthal Center in 2015 with urgent demands.   Many of  these demands were never met or insufficient.

Yezidis were betrayed by the Kurds in 2007 and 2014  who were to defend them as they knowingly gave the Yezidis defenseless into the hands of ISIS.

 Often aid, allocated to Yezidis and other endangered  ethnic minorities never reach the intended recipients.

Yazidis have many enemies who want the Yazidi Land for themselves as it sits on precious oil fields and therefore don't have the Yazidi best interest in mind.

ISIS wasn't stopped or neutralized following the Yezidi massacre of the men and enslavement of the women  and children in Summer 2014. They conquered more and more Land  with more and more atrocities and victims from 2015 on, till Trump  and the Coalition intervened and supposedly defeated them.

 Had we tried to  find the Yazidi slaves and bring the slavemasters to justice maybe we could have stemmed  the horrific terror on more victims years ago.

But it turns out ISIS is really not defeated as much as we hope they would be. The continuing suffering of Yezidi women and children still in the clutches of their ISIS slavemasters can attest to that. There are very credible reports from Yazidi slaves that ISIS terrorists  regrouped and realligned with other terror elements in the region who often release ISIS members after capturing them!

The job is not over until the radical Islamic terrorists who have terrorized the Yazidis and other Ethnic minorities are brought to justice.

Secretary of State Pompeo should heed closely to these justified demands

The Trump Administration who prides itself in fighting evil,  can gather valuable intelligence working with  the Yezidis and persecuted Ethnic  minorities as they liberate and protect them,  and find and pursue the evildoers and bring them to justice before ISIS fighters resurface at a vengeance to victimize others..


  1. Thank G-d for Robin Ticker who has the heart and mind to speak the truth!
    Renanah Gemeiner
    co-founder Canadian Jews and Friends for Yezidis

  2. Bsd

    Thanks Renanah! Now is the Month of Nissim Miracles! Chidesh Nissan! Just like liberation in Nazi Germany happened Pesach time in 1945 for many enslaved Jews, so too may Hashem liberate all the Yezidis from slavery to Freedom and bring Justice, measure for measureto all those who tortured and enslaved them!!!!
