Sunday, March 17, 2019

Amalek of Today

יִהְיוּ לְרָצוֹן אִמְרֵי פִי וְהֶגְיוֹן לִבִּי לְפָנֶיךָ יְהוָה צוּרִי וְגֹאֲלִי. תהלים יט טו

Today's Amalek

3 Biblical Commandments re: Amalek.
According to Rabbi Alon Anava, the key to break the Klipa, the spiritually impure husk,  is not to derive any pleasure from it. By deriving pleasure from the Klipa we become entrapped and enslaved.

Purim - How to break the Klipa - Rabbi Alon Anava

My comments:

More Than 700 Day School Students, Parents & Administrators Rally State Leaders for Increased STEM Funding for Nonpublic Schools

Time to reexamine TeachNYS funding and see if the monies for STEM, Security, Jewish Education and Jewish Social Programs are benefiting from the Klipa of Amalek who have infiltrated the leadership of the Democratic Party.  

Please don't misunderstand. The  STEM funding initiative is fabulous. The problem is the source of the funding.

The Yeshivas and Jewish Community deserve all the funding. We pay taxes etc. 

There is deafening silence, today in  Adar 5779, in Orthodox Jewish circles against the likes of Ilhan Omar and Pelosi's choices. This Silence can only be attributed to having good reason to fear that if we voiced opposition to these Democratic Socialist elected officials, it would probably risk drying up substantial future funding for all our worthwhile programs benefiting the Jewish Community coming from the Democrats.  They have us in their grasp. 

This funding seems to have influenced effective political activism of our JCC's and Jewish Mainstream Organizations. We are Silent about Amalek.  We dare not endorse a pro Israel Republican candidate, providing clarity to our faith based constituents out of fear of become accused of being partisan. In so doing, we have empowered Israel's worst enemies by not effectively opposing them and have elected Democratic Socialists, anti-Semitic, pro Palestinian candidates.  

But Strong opposition to such evil is coming from Righteous Gentiles. This however can not replace our own obligation to oppose such evil.

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: Terrorist -


Here is some more information as per their greater sinister agenda.... as they support and empower America's and Israel's worst enemies.  

Islamists Infiltrate the US Political System
by Oren Litwin

Electing such individuals into public office is part of a larger picture of what is called Civilization Jihad.

Civilization Jihad is the plan of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Brigitte Gabriel, the Director of Act for America writes:

They wrote the plan of the destruction of the US in 1991. "An Explanatory Memorandum of the General Strategic Goal of the North American Group, May 1991.  See pages 16-32 in English

In this plan here is a paragraph that explains what the Muslim Brotherhood Plan is all about:

Understanding the Role of the Muslim Brother in North America:
The Process of Settlement is a civilization jihadist process. That brothers [in America] must understand that their work is a kind of Jihad in eliminating and destroying the western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so it is eliminated so that Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions.

Please read more of what Brigitte Gabriel has to say:
Brigitte Gabriel exposes the Muslim Brotherhood like no other. Brilliant expose!

The time will come, hopefully sooner than later that we will understand that by being Silent we empower terrible evil.

Therefore....Let us raise our voice our strong opposition for these anti-Semitic Congresswomen.  Bring 700 students to Nancy Pelosi's office just like you did to get funding for STEM. There is nothing to lose except disfavor from the Democratic Party.  Alternatively, if we are silent, under the control of the Klipa of Amalek, STEM funding for our Yeshivoth and even Security Funding will be inconsequential G-d forbid in relation to dealing with evil forces in control of the purse strings..

Surely we can secure funding for our Yeshivoth from a G-d fearing source. 

Here all our teaching of  Emuna and Bitachon must come into play. We have to believe, that just like in the Shemittah year, we won't starve even when our source of livelihood seems to be cut off, Hashem will provide for us as he did in the desert and we need to hang in there and trust in Hashem! 

Nancy Pelosi empowered the leadership of the Women's March Ilhan Omar, AOC, Linda Sarsour etc.

Common Core under Democratic Leadership means we are enslaved to their curriculum which doesn't just include STEM.

Letiitia James, who addressed the OU contingent of 700 Yeshiva students, received lots of respect etc. Are our kids aware that her primary agenda is not merely to provide funding for STEM for Yeshiva students but rather to find dirt on Trump and his family and associates to get him impeached? Did we empower the Klipa of Amalek by awarding her such positive PR and recognition?

President Trump has close alliances with those who fear G-d. His inner circle are individuals who are G-d fearing and who have a history of loving Israel way before they became part of his inner circle.  I know that for a fact from my personal activism for Judea and Samaria.  Trump is actively fighting the Amalekites, Iran and Muslim Brotherhood. He is on G-d's side. Yet have we showed him the proper Hakoras Hatov, the proper appreciation?

Trump: Republicans ‘waiting with open arms’ for ‘Jexodus’ from Democrats

Agudah and OU have been actively engaged in initiating and finding favor and benefiting from and giving benefit to the Democratic Party in return who has been infiltrated with the Klipa of Amalek.

We seem unable to even recognize that we have chosen evil over good since the monies received have made us dependent on the Klipa.

This surely has had a direct impact being unable to effectively fight Amalek in our midst.

Lobbying for STEM funding is not the problem.  Being Silent of the Amalek in our midst is!!!

Amalek is strengthened by disunity of the Nation of Israel. Now in the Month of Adar Bet, we can rise above the Klipa!  Let us Unite to fight our common enemy Amalek and may all our fears dissipate! G-d is stronger than our enemies. He provides for all!

In this Zchus may we be Zocheh to bring Moshiach very soon!


Sanctuaries of faith, not fear
by Rabbi A.D. Motzen
National Director of State Relations. Agudath Israel of America, Office of Government Affairs. Weekly Window News and Information  for the week of March 10, 2019- March 15, 2019

 ...The OU Advocacy has put their emphasis on closed meeting advocacy with members of Congress.  Gillibrand, Jeffries, Corey Booker, Schumer  etc.
What do they have to show for it?   Not much.  Gillibrand, Jeffries, Booker came out for the Deal.
Even Schumer disappointed us since he was too busy to study the Iran Deal because he was busy working on the Education bill.  See 3:30 into video with Chuck Schumer:UP WITH STEVE KORNACKI 7/19/15 I'll make up my own mind on Iran nuke deal .
Just knowing that Iran was getting $150 billion dollars of sanctions relief is reason enough to come out against it. What exactly about the deal did he have to study? (Caroline Glick at Times Square Rally opposing the Deal)
When Gillibrand and other Democrats came out in support of the deal, Schumer finally came out against it.   Even after knowing that there were hidden side deals, Schumer didn't try very hard to convince fellow Democrats that this was a bad deal.   Even with his lukewarm opposition, Obama came out with full force backlash...
BTW, Yes, the Yeshivoth did received promises of big bucks from New York State early this summer around this time..Schumer was probably focusing on this! Monies that were somehow owed to private schools from 9,10 years ago.... reimbursable...Impeccable timing?
VIDEO from Agudath Israel: A GREAT WAY TO START THE NEW YEAR: NY STATE YESHIVOS TO RECEIVE $40 MILLION  "All that knocking finally paid off"... Rabbi David Zwiebel  monies owed to them from 2006 [following Gush Katif..  My comments RT]  Why was Schumer so busy with this instead of the Iran Deal? (Lefkowitz Leadership Initiative link not operative. Found under
 Earlier this summer, the New York State Education Department announced that over the next two years it would be distributing $250 million in mandated services/CAP reimbursement to nonpublic schools across the state with $125 million to be paid out in each of the two years...
Mrs. Deborah Zachai, Director of Education Affairs for Agudath Israel of America, explained that these monies have been owed to nonpublic schools for more than a decade. Due to budget shortfalls and the use of a flawed formula to calculate the actual reimbursement due to nonpublic schools, the debt accumulated and became substantial over a more than ten year period.
It has been a long-standing legislative priority for Agudath Israel of America – whose late president Rabbi Moshe Sherer was instrumental in getting the mandated services law enacted over 40 years ago – to obtain payment on the debt. The state's allocation of $250 million for this purpose, goes a long way towards accomplishing that priority.
"We are absolutely thrilled that, at long last, the state has begun making payments on the debt it has owed yeshivos and other nonpublic schools for so many years. We anticipate that the yeshiva share of these funds should be approximately $80 million over the next two years, in addition to the regular mandated and CAP payments. This infusion of substantial funding is wonderful news for yeshivos and should significantly help ease their cash flow," said Mrs. Zachai.
"This development is long overdue, but nonetheless extremely welcome," added Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudath Israel's Executive Vice President. "We look forward to working with the State Education Department over the next two years as these vital funds are distributed."
Agudah Advocacy for Iran:
Aside from these posts and this PDF which gives talking points and  sample letters to our elected officials, that's about it. And it is pretty hard to cut and paste a pdf file.
Agudah has been rather silent. No videos about our G-d Given rights to Eretz Yisroel,  Yehuda and Shomron based on commentaries of the  Biblical boundaries of Eretz Yisroel delineated in Parshat Masei. No videos about a dangerous Iran deal,

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