Sunday, February 17, 2019

The spy who never loved me: A mother of 7 says her marriage was a Shin Bet cover | The Times of Israel


Please note that the Times of Israel, even in this article pushes the Libelous Narrative of "Jewish Terrorists."

I personally knew Dr. Baruch Goldstein a compassionate doctor who saw first hand too many terror  attacks of his friends and neighbors.. I still can't believe this drove him crazy to murder 29 innocent Arabs. I knew his family. His mother was President of Emunah Women, living in Kiryat Arba, an Anglo, having made Aliya with her husband  and was friend with his sister who married a Chabad Chosid way before the 29 Arabs were killed in Maarat Hamachpela. 

I heard there were bullets on the ceiling of the Maara. I don't know what happened except that it was totally out character.

It makes no sense that Baruch Goldstein would enter the Maara and for absolutely no good reason use a heavy machine gun against innocent Arabs who were praying.

The Truth is in known in a Heavenly Court. I hope and pray it will be revealed. 

Shabak has a history of inciting and framing Jews for the purpose of pushing the "Jewish Terrorist" Narrative on Jews who want a Torah State. This Torah ideology is consistent  with the Marienbad resolution of the Moetzet Gedolei in Marienbad in 1937 and no different than the Torah ideology recited in our daily prayers 3times a day, in our Bentching, part of the passages in Tefillin, repeated again and again  in Torah Shebichtav and Tanach, fundamental to People of the Book, shared by all People of Faith, not only religious Jews, be it Chasidish, Yeshivish Litvush, Religious Zionist Modern  Orthodox and nonJews as well our daily, Shabbat and Holiday Prayers...

Restore our Judges as of Days of Yore.

Rabbi Meir Kahane was not a Terrorist nor did he ever advocate killing innocent Arabs. Listen to him on YouTube.

He advocated Jewish Rights of Self Defense and the transfer of hostile Arabs of a Jewish State,  to 22 neighboring Muslim Arab countries. He advocated for civil rights of nonJews living in Israel if they support a Jewish State but was against giving them the right to vote ( Democracy can vote itself out as well he said).

"Jewish Terrorism" Narrative feeds the 2 State Solution Peace Process.

It is not to protect Arabs from Jewish Terror. 

Shabak claim lots of success in preventing acts Jewish Terror against Terror.

Too bad they have a dismal record in preventing real Arab terror attacks occurring daily in Judea and Samaria with too many miraculous Hashgacha Pratis stories of misses and every one in 40 or so hitting a Jewish target with another Jewish victim.

They don't do DNA on stones thrwn by Arabs. They even ignore photos of the Arab Stone throwers.

Why are the focused on nonexistent  "Jewish Terror" in spite if all their Herculean efforts to produce them  while turning a blind Eye to Arab Terror and the Culture of Terror in UNRWA schools?

Jewish Division of Terror of Shabak wants to manufacture the narrative of "Jewish Terror" via moles and informants picking on the weak and vulnerable when possible. 

...Using all their resources to neutralize any narrative that sounds too connected to the Torah and targeting it's leaders.

The Machteret were not Jewish Terrorists. They were religious Zionists as was Rabbi Meir Kahane. Their Torah ideology was threatening to a Secular State and threatening to powerful polical forces.

The story of this woman is sadly very true.

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