Sunday, January 20, 2019

Wrap-up smear tactic as explained by Nancy Pelosi. Same tactic used on Jewish Hilltop Settler Youth. Basically Motzei Shem Ra.


Will the Jewish Media continue to remain silent after innocent Jewish Hilltop Youth are branded as Jewish Terrorists by Jewish public figures and Jewish Media and even Rabbanim.

The only way to correct this Motzei Shem Ra is to spread the Emes about these boys. These are boys who love the Torah, love Eretz Yisroel and yearn for a government governed by Torah. They are passionate in their idealism! Beautiful Torahdic Youth!

Their idealism and ferver and truth  is threatening to political powers who have in turn smeared their good name by branding them as Jewish Terrorists.

That should cool down all that Religious ferver!

Sounds like Amalek at work...

The Shabak Division of Jewish Terror is feeding the smear campaign. The Jewish Terrorist Designation of Kahana and associated organizations is legalizing the smear campaign.

As  Jewish Settler Youth continue to be arrested and falsely accused of Jewish Terrorism they are being traumatized and forced to endure physical and mental torture. They and their Yeshiva and community are being dragged down into  the smear campaign. 

Surely this should dampen their pioneering spirit to populate those barren Hilltops in Judea and Samaria... (That's probably the justification from those pushing a 2 State Solution...)

So let us ask ourself...Will their good name continue to be smeared, will their spirit be dampened, with our Silence? 

Here is the method at work.  Nancy Pelosi showing us how it's done.

"...Pelosi and the Democrats strategy of false message delivery to the public is now on a video below and another video on attached file. It is showing the Democrat party method of promoting false statements
This is a tape of Nancy Pelosi speaking to a group of Democrats explaining how they make up lies and feed them to the media; who immediately write stories and broadcast them so the American people believe the Republicans are evil. She says we demonize people, attack their character and other lies which become facts in the eyes of the American people. This is what they have done to Trump, Kavanaugh and others.
Pelosi is giving the class and explaining how they do this! You can't make this up. (video is on the social network)
Video is on:


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