Monday, January 14, 2019

Slander and Judicial bias against Jewish Settlers and their youth by Shabak etc. Rabbi Kahana the Terrorist?????


Dear Mr. Rothschild and Rabbi Feldman, amvsh

Please do what you can to expose the slander to stop it. Call for a dismantlingling of of Jewish Division of Terror and 1994 Jewish Terrorist Law !!!!

כתבה בערוץ 7: השב"כ שלנו!
Arutz7. Shabak by Michoel Puah. Hopefully is getting translated.  Shabak has a Chazaka of false accusations and torture against Settlers and their youth and maybe Arabs as well, starting with Rabbi Meir Kahana's z"l his grandson Meir Ettinger and Hilltop Youth, the Duma Suspects and now boys from Yeshiva Pri HaAretz enlisting Rabbanim to defend their criminal modus operandi. Justice must prevail not just for innocent Jews but for innocent Arabs accused without due process..


חיילים, ילדים, נערי גבעות וכוחות ביטחון
רותי איזיקוביץ(H)

למדנו גם שאין כל הבדל בין רצח בכוונה תחילה לבין הריגה שלא בכוונה תחילה  בעצם, ההגדרות תלויות בזהות מיידה האבן

: 13/01/2019   

The bias against religious Jews Settling the land is glaring.

עינוי הדין
Delaying Justice. The trial of a minor is being delayed denying this Yeshiva boy due process from a secular legal perspective and certainly from a Halachic one in violation of Inui Hadin...delaying a trial...perversion of Justice...
נדחה דיון בעניינו של הקטין לאחר ששב״כ סרב להביאו לביהמ״ש. אביו: ״שב"כ הורג את הבן שלי״
חדשות 0404 11/01/2019 13:45 

Rabbi Kahana the Terrorist?

He encourages Jewish youth in the Diaspora to learn about Judaism in a Yeshiva, go to Israel  for a summer, stay the year, get married, have lots of babies and settle the Land by building  a barren hilltop. The Sabra grandchildren will then admire their Grandpa... compare this indoctrination with Unrwa schools.

Compare this fake "terrorist organization" with a real terror threat coming from the Enemy.

UNRWA the Shuafat Refugee camp
 UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos

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