Thursday, December 13, 2018

FJJ coverage on Yeshiva Crisis..perhaps Teshuva for Iran Deal nonAdvocacy 2015 is in order: Rabbi's, OU, Agudath Israel vs Neturei Karta. Neturei Karta Wins? Agudah advocacy for Yeshiva Funding Summer 2015


To: Morty Mehlman
Cc: Askanim

Dear Morty et al, amvsh

Please open links to this week's FJJ coverage on current Yeshiva crises.

Rabbi Brudny said we need to do Teshuva. Teshuva for what? Let me suggest the following.


Flatbush Jewish Journal page26 Dec 13,2018

Flatbush Jewish Journal page 27 Dec 13,2018

Rabbi Reismans video clip

Let me add that even President Trump has reason to be concerned of impeachment as the Democrats come into power in the House in January  as they use the courts to investigate and find criminal offenses on their perceived enemy basically the family and associates of  President Trump. If this is the case and even President Trump is vulnerable to baseless charges and probes why do we expect a fair and just hearing on behalf of the Yeshivot. Focusing on the details is counterproductive. If their goal is not education but rather a political agenda, the court and investigation are for prosecution purposes alone, biased and dangerous. Our sound and logical arguments will hit a deaf ear.

Here are some recent examples to make our hair stand on end. Mike Huckabee is a credible and honest mentch even if we aren't Republican.  These posts were in his latest newsletter. 

Guess who "investigated" the Clinton Foundation?

Only one possible conclusion: Gen. Flynn was railroaded

Therefore doing what's right and going on the offensive against the enemies of Israel is the only way to survive. Passivity and complacency is no longer an option! 

Teshuva?  Lets go back to 2015.

Iran Deal Advocacy: Rabbi's, OU, Agudath Israel vs Neturei Karta. Neturei Karta Wins? Search on Youtube for "Rabbis DC" and see what comes up

 The OU Advocacy has put their emphasis on closed meeting advocacy with members of Congress.  Gillibrand, Jeffries, Corey Booker, Schumer  etc.

What do they have to show for it?   Not much.  Gillibrand, Jeffries, Booker came out for the Deal.  

Even Schumer disappointed us since he was too busy to study the Iran Deal because he was busy working on the Education bill.  See 3:30 into video with Chuck Schumer:UP WITH STEVE KORNACKI 7/19/15 I'll make up my own mind on Iran nuke deal .  

Just knowing that Iran was getting $150 billion dollars of sanctions relief is reason enough to come out against it. What exactly about the deal did he have to study? (Caroline Glick at Times Square Rally opposing the Deal)

When Gillibrand and other Democrats came out in support of the deal, Schumer finally came out against it.   Even after knowing that there were hidden side deals, Schumer didn't try very hard to convince fellow Democrats that this was a bad deal.   Even with his lukewarm opposition, Obama came out with full force backlash...

BTW, Yes, the Yeshivoth did received promises of big bucks from New York State early this summer around this time..Schumer was probably focusing on this! Monies that were somehow owed to private schools from 9,10 years ago.... reimbursable...Impeccable timing?


 Earlier this summer, the New York State Education Department announced that over the next two years it would be distributing $250 million in mandated services/CAP reimbursement to nonpublic schools across the state with $125 million to be paid out in each of the two years...
Mrs. Deborah Zachai, Director of Education Affairs for Agudath Israel of America, explained that these monies have been owed to nonpublic schools for more than a decade. Due to budget shortfalls and the use of a flawed formula to calculate the actual reimbursement due to nonpublic schools, the debt accumulated and became substantial over a more than ten year period.
It has been a long-standing legislative priority for Agudath Israel of America – whose late president Rabbi Moshe Sherer was instrumental in getting the mandated services law enacted over 40 years ago – to obtain payment on the debt. The state's allocation of $250 million for this purpose, goes a long way towards accomplishing that priority.

"We are absolutely thrilled that, at long last, the state has begun making payments on the debt it has owed yeshivos and other nonpublic schools for so many years. We anticipate that the yeshiva share of these funds should be approximately $80 million over the next two years, in addition to the regular mandated and CAP payments. This infusion of substantial funding is wonderful news for yeshivos and should significantly help ease their cash flow," said Mrs. Zachai. 
"This development is long overdue, but nonetheless extremely welcome," added Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudath Israel's Executive Vice President. "We look forward to working with the State Education Department over the next two years as these vital funds are distributed."

Agudah Advocacy for Iran:

Aside from these posts and this PDF which gives talking points and  sample letters to our elected officials, that's about it. And it is pretty hard to cut and paste a pdf file. 

Agudah has been rather silent. No videos about our G-d Given rights to Eretz Yisroel,  Yehuda and Shomron based on commentaries of the  Biblical boundaries of Eretz Yisroel delineated in Parshat Masei. No videos about a dangerous Iran deal,

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018, 12:31 PM Robin Ticker < wrote:

To: Shea Rubenstein Exec Director JCCMP, contributor ECHO Magazine

CC: Askanim

It says Kirsten Gillibrand called these women of the Women's March, suffragettes.

      AntiSemites seem to be a more accurate description!

Shea, the best service we can do to Memorialize Holocaust Survivors, is to expose and not empower those who align themselves with the likes of Linda Sarsour!

Hakeem Jeffries, Yvette Clark, Jumaane Williams, Kirsten Gillibrand,  etc. etc.  and I would even examine Bill deBlasio, and those with close ties to the Cuomo Administration are suspect.  

New York and California are Democratic strongholds and they are states that have large Jewish presence...

Just like in Egypt the enslavement began on a friendly patriotic note it spiraled to a point of no return until the Exodus.

No money or entitlement must mask the true agenda of AntiSemitic political figures. While we must brace for a backlash, we must hold tight to our faith and never allow our enemies, dangerous enemies to society at large, to become empowered even at the risk of turning away funding for very worthy social programs and Yeshiva Education.

Probably this Educational Regulations compliance crisis from the Commissioner of the Board of Ed is a wake uo call to the dangers of such compliance and  that it is merely a matter of time and just a precursor to institute progressive liberal content into our children's education. Failure of compliance brings the risk of getting cut off of Democrat sourced govt funding and even worse, declaring all our schools substandard and all our kids truant? 

Let us ask ourselves did Education funding buy silence of the Jewish Community not to effectively protest the Iran Deal? I hope not but what reasonable explanation is there for our Communitys weak protest of Iran building up a nuclear arsenal. Is this funding now coming to haunt us? Just a rhetorical question.

The education of even the most Chassidic schools produce literate kids (albeit Yiddish:) with analytical skills who are respectful and most important not a danger to society or others.

There is always continuing education if and when they need it.  Parents should not be punished for choosing such a school. Of course, no need to provide them secular textbooks etc. if they won't be used. Entitlements comes with strings attached.. Surely Kosher secular textbooks  that meet govt standards and the private school standards, are their due since all citizens pay taxes that should help cover  the secular education of the American citizen and  taxpayer.

Will liberal progressive  New York State Judges see our side?

BH Trump is in power surrounded by G-d fearing and faith based advisers.  When our community fails to support and acknowledge his efforts and often belittles him, and undermines him by consistently putting him or his wife in a negative light, we are hurting his ability to help fight evil and help fight our dangerous enemies Iran and radical Islam.  He is cleaning up the swamp and the Justice Dept and appointing credible and Conservative Judges. This is a very high priority of the current administration.

Surely we can work with the Republicans and the Trump Administration so that  orgs like JCCMP and Yeshivas are not dependent on funds coming from Democrat sources who very likely have an antiSemitic and sinister  agenda and rather find alternative funding  coming from sources that are wholesome.

True they will ask something back in return and frankly our community is more than ready and capable. But if we get something for nothing from the Democrats who have hijacked the Democrat party of our parents,  we are probably selling our soul. 

In this Messianic era, Am Yisroel must be a beacon of light to the nation's of the world a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh. Maybe it's time to put some of our Kollel yungerleit who presently are on Medicaid, welfare and foodstamps and  stabilize their income with stipends while asking them to put in a few hours of public service for the benefit of general society. 

We can all attest that many of these learner's are the cream of the crop.

 In fact, I can't see justification for sitting and learning full time when there are unfortunately many of our own who desperately need support and guidance.  At the very least, our own kids at risk may be saved from the real dangers of the streets. Surely lessons learned from our beautiful Chesed Orgs can also be applied to the general population at Our Place,  Bikur Cholim Orgs, RCCS etc

It's amazing to help the Survivors and I am looking forward to your recent Shirei HaPleita CD and  my 97 year old Holocaust survivor mother shetichye amvSh is even eligible for a free one :). . 

It's even more amazing to ensure the next generation that such evil will be nipped in the bud before it can escalate to the horrors and genocide of our parents and grandparents.

Robin Ticker

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