Sunday, October 28, 2018

Endorse Chele Farley in the Spirit of the Law! Best Way for American Jewish Groups to Fight Antisemitism Following 'Deadliest Attack on Jews in US History'. Please Don't Continue to Neutralize Legitimate Opposition to Gillibrand


Dear Mainstream Jewish Organizations:

Not too late for a Press Release "endorsing" Chele Farley!  I use the word "endorse" liberally since we are endorsing her unwavering support for Israel rather than endorsing her as a Republican vs Democrat. 

Let us "endorse" Farley like Senator Gillibrand "endorsed" the likes of Linda Sarsour.

Appearing with Sarsour in public, being introduced by Sarsour who generously showered praises on the Senator, is for all practical purposes an "endorsement" of Sarsour's agenda.

Please don't whitewash Gillibrand  before the election just in case Gillibrand wins.

How sad that good Jews seem to be working against Farley by neutralizing and suppressing the voice that opposes Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. 

Kirsten Gillibrand is aligned with real enemies of Israel. Gillibrand has a record of supporting Planned Parenthood and Abortion, supporting anti-Semites like Linda Sarsour and supporting a Nuclear Iran.

Don't go by the polls. Trump's win as President proved that polls can be wrong! 

Even if according to predictions  Gillibrand is likely to win,  it will become a self fulfilling prophesy if we fail to effectively oppose her.

Jewish Leaders....Don't feel like a grasshopper crying about a done deal when you in fact  can still make a difference!

Shall we, influential Jews,  purposely sweep evil under the rug,  be useful idiots,  political pawns,  lured into silence, expecting pay back from our enemies when they are in office?

Our enemies don't really want or need our endorsements. They simply want legitimacy and to silence the opposition. 

We can not be complicit at any price. 

As Queen Esther put it, she would have remained silent if it wasn't a matter about the destruction of our people!

We must put our Trust in Hashem alone and in G-d fearing people.

We all agree that deadly attacks such as what happened in Pittsburgh is tragic.

Fake rhetoric of solidarity with Jews in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh massacre, by time tested enemies of Israel is duplicit, nauseating and deceptive.

Is it less deadly than a nuclear Iran or a Palestinian State?

We are being complicit in not openly and aggressively opposing United States Senator Gillibrand who openly supports those who wishes to annihilate us! 

How can we expect Farley to win with a defeatist attitude from Israel's true supporters?

This joint statement by RCA, Aguda and OU,  condemning the senseless massacre in Pittsburgh shows that Jewish groups can unite.

This statement falls short. Time to expose Senator Gillibrand's true agenda and her obvious opposition for a Safe Israel in spite of empty rhetoric, in vocal  support for the opposing candidate!

fyi: Live Interview with Candidate Chele Farley with Jay Oliver who expresses her genuine support for Israel

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