Saturday, September 01, 2018

If-Not-Now Moles in Camp Ramah.


To get both sides of the story I suggest Camp Ramah to bring in Hilltop Youth to give their side of the story. Maybe even a relative of Elisha Odess who was tortured in jail by the Jewish Division of Shabak until he confessed to setting fire to the Dawsbshe Family in Arab Village Duma killing the parents and a baby. Hebrew Graffiti was all that was needed to brand him as a Jewish Terrorist, deny him due process, habeas corpus and basic civil and human rights.

His confession following torture wasn't even accepted because of all the discrepancies but he is still today under house arrest and is allowed to talk to only 10 people including his grandparents, parents and uncles. 2 people have to be supervising him at all times. He has to wear an ankle bracelet.

This is because he is a supposed ticking time bomb terrorist. Absolutely no credible proof to justify his incarceration for the last two and a half years!

Ahed Temimi on the other hand, has  family members with evidence and proof of being involved in terror attacks against innocent Israelis. Her female cousin  was an accomplice to the Sbarro massacre. Her mother teaches Plestinians on choice body parts to stab a Jew. Ahed  has been taunting and provoking and assaulting Chayalim from a young age while cameras wait for an aggressive response from Chayalim.  Apparently Ahed has had a first class education in Israeli jail, partying and receiving a heroes welcome from Abbas.

Did Mr. Cohen allow this narrative in Camp Ramah or de the camp just gives a platform to staff  that defends Hamas sending Kites and balloons strapped with explosives attacking Southern Israel without impunity?

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