Monday, August 13, 2018

Omarosa: A Mole in the White House?


Why would Omarosa bring a secret recording device into the High Security Situation Room of the White House if not to spy on the Trump Administration?  

How many such tapes did she make? Was she purposefully trying to trap Trump into making a racial slur?

While on the subject of the horrendous crime of using the N_____ word....Here is some food for thought: let's distract for a moment...

How many blacks use the N___ word themselves to each other. 

Does that make such blacks racists? 

How many blacks call whites derogatory names like White Supremacist racists. Does that make them Black racists.

And what if 

someone actually used the N___ word regularly while at the same time saw a black homeless kid with  a severe toothache, paid his dental bills, sent the homeless black kid to college, helped him find a good paying job and treated him as a foster son 

compared to ....

someone who was careful never to use the N___ word yet saw the same homeless  black kid with the toothache rummaging through the garbage for food and ignored him. 

Or yet another Black or White person who go into denial that there are black homeless kids rummaging in the garbage since to do so admits that blacks are disadvantaged and poverty stricken and that would be racist to think of Blacks in such a racist way.

Who would you call the racist?  The guy who used the N____ word?

Sometimes actions speaks louder than words.

Apparently John Kelly accused Amarosa, in this illegal secret recording, of actions that questioned her integrity justifying her dismissal. 

In hindsight Amarosa's secret recordings in a high security room prove he was justified in his accusations. .

Her dismissal was too merciful not the opposite...

If she was a mole put there to begin with, to discredit Trump, she lost 2 jobs with this dismissal.. 

Her job with Trump and her job with the Deep State. Once dismissed, her mole job ended as well.

If she only had one job, the one working under John Kelly, if she was guilty of misconduct, she should have been relieved to have been dismissed without a public disclosure of her misconduct nor  legal action taken against her with her reputation in tact even if she did lose this job. She would have been given a 2nd chance elsewhere.

Obviously though she does not admit to any wrongdoing whatsoever including her recording secretly in a high security room.

However, if her primary job, as a mole ended, that would explain the timing  and the release of her book Unhinged. She was literally unHinged so now her true colors of being anti Trump could shine.

Unhinged is the fruit of her labor working as a mole for oppositional research against Trump. 

Who invested in this book? That might give us a clue as per who "employed" her to be a mole? 

All this is speculation.

So measure for measure now is the time to reexamine the circumstances that led to her dismissal in the first place. She herself welcomes disclosure of her HR records.

In the recording, Kelly purportedly calls for Manigault-Newman's "friendly departure" from the administration without any "difficulty in the future relative to your reputation." According to the tape, Kelly continued by saying that things could get "ugly" for her, and that she was "open to some legal action" for conduct that would merit a court martial if she were in the military.

That comment was a "very obvious ... threat," Manigault-Newman told NBC's "Meet the Press." She said she had recorded the conversation because otherwise no one would believe her.

"We've got to talk to you about leaving the White House," Kelly apparently says in the tape. "It's come to my attention over the last few months that there's been some pretty, in my opinion, significant integrity issues related to you and the use of government vehicles and some other issues."

John Kelly offered a friendly departure. Even if she was guilty of misconduct he wanted to avoid conflict.

Well she has just stirred up conflict! It is clear she was, and is, not to be trusted. 

Time now to reevaluate and bring legal actions against her for any misconduct that John Kelly suggested on the secret recordings plus the secret recording themselves which are clear breaches of security. I would also investigate if she has ties to the Democrats, the former Obama Administration or Clinton Administration and their oppositional research team now that we know she was not adverse to spying.

I am glad actually that she taped the conversation since to me it vindicates Kelly and incriminates her. Others more expert than I feel the same.

Why Omarosa's attack on Kelly could backfire

In the tape, it was clear to me Kelly wasn't threatening. 

He was giving her notice that she was being dismissed based on her misconduct. 

Now, at her own undoing, she shows that she doesn't deserve a second chance. 

Secretly recording sessions illegally in the White House in the Situation Room proves that she was either a mole trying to spy on the Trump Administration or is not to be trusted and without integrity as charged or is paranoid that everyone is out with daggers ready to stab her and she has to protect herself. A very hostile working  environment indeed. Wasn't she happy to leave?

My gut feeling is that she was a mole planted there to trap Trump from the outset.

Traitorous misconduct must be addressed in kind. With no mercy. Otherwise, given the opportunity the traitors will lay low and rise again to attack with a vengeance, seeing mercy and kindness extended to them merely as a sign of weakness of their enemy.

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