Monday, August 13, 2018

Omarosa cuts off 'Today' appearance, tells Savannah Guthrie to 'calm down' during bizarre interview | Fox News


Savannah Guthrie of the Today show was not a sympathetic interviewer to Omarosa. She put Omarosa in a very bad light.

She exposed Omarosa as the one who was deceitful.  Omarosa now calls the President and Sarah Huckabee Sanders liers and racist but this was 180 degree turn around from when recently Omarosa was a gushing, infatuated, and adoring fan of the President.

Omarosa comes out looking like the lier in this interview.

It seems to me that with all her secret recordings, Omarosa was all along  trying to collect dirt on the President so that she could then either use it to blackmail him or to discredit the President. It went much deeper than being disgruntled. She was traitorous.

But imho, the tapes are not all that damning to President Trump.

I think the President was sincerely deceived by Omarosa. He was being truthful when he told her he didn't know she was being let go and that he was sorry. She after all had flattered him and he fell for it. Her audience was African American, a target audience President Donald Trump wanted and needed. An audience who by enlarge was liberal and supporters of the Democrats and Obama. By empowering her, a black woman,  it  "showed" he was not racist nor a misogynist. The relationship was mutually beneficial. 

He didn't see through her charm since like all humans, he was blinded by the fake adoration, charm and deception. 

I think he was truly sorry to see her fired since he honestly believed she was his supporter, and admirer and his ally.

Even though he is the President and actually wanted her working for him, he doesn't micro manage. He understood it was John Kelly's call as per whether or not to keep her.

John Kelly and the other staffers saw through her while the POTUS didn't.  They were acting on his behalf when she was fired.

When Donald Trump saw how viciously and quickly she turned against him, and that she secretly was recording him and the others in High Security positions he understood the depth of the betrayal and deception and called her a low life.

Omarosa cut off this interview with Savannah Guthrie for good reason. It backfired big time making her look bad. Not the President.

Again, even if the President or anyone for that matter did use the N___ word in his or her life, that doesn't make one a racist.

A racist is someone who thinks he or she is superior bc of the color of his or her skin, or his or her race,  rather than seeing the inner G-dliness in the other, lying underneath the surface. 

However, when someone is acting in a dishonest and deceitful manner, like a snake, there is good reason to hold them with contempt and being black and a woman shouldnt help them get off the hook.

Qualities like Honesty and Integrity goes far deeper than skin color or gender.

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