Monday, June 25, 2018

Fwd: President Trump on Jews Lack of HaKoras HaTov on Huckabee Trump Interview. Sexual Harassment of Duma Suspects THE PERIL OF POLITICIZED ANTISEMITISM | Frontpage Mag


If we Jews are People of the Book shouldn't we be suspicious of those quick to condemn  President Trump. 

Hasn't the President earned our trust?  Surely he has! It's not just the Embassy move to Jerusalem!

President Trump has a proven record of being a President who respects the Bible, and surrounds himself with G-d Fearing people who are People of the Book and who allign themselves with The People of The Book and the Nation of Israel.  

Watch "An Exclusive Interview with President Donald Trump (Full Interview) | Huckabee" on YouTube

So why did OU, RCA and Agudah rush to Condemn President Trump's policy without a thorough understanding of the entire picture in favor of a "humanitarian" plea for the illegals' children??  

And this raises a more painful question as per why have they been quiet about the persecution and subsequent Duma Investigation against the Jewish  Hilltop Youth no less deserving of a humanitarian plea for compassion in light of no conviction? These kids too are separated from their families over two years with no evidence against them other than confessions extracted from torture.

Is it possible that these Organizations are being advised by those with past affiliations with the Democrats, most likely a non Kosher source, a deadly bond, hard to sever, and this is contributing towards political skewing of their better judgement.

What other explanation is there?

Time to drain the swamp.

When we validate the message of the Hilltop Youth we validate our Holy Torah. When we slander and accuse Hilltop Youth as "Jewish Terrorists" we are slandering G-d fearing Jews,  and creating a Blood Libel. 

This in turn set the stage for undeserved, traumatic torture of innocent kids.

Sexual Harassment by Shabak Interrogators and Minor's Suicide Attempt Revealed in Duma Case | The Jewish Press - | David Israel | 12 Tammuz 5778 – 


Jewish Democrats' libels against Trump mask a dire problem in their ranks.

June 22, 2018

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