Friday, May 11, 2018

Fwd: "God Bless President Donald Trump" by Shalom Pollack


I woke up this morning to a wonderful surprise.
My neighbor across the street draped a HUGE  colorful sign with Israeli and US flags painted on it across the entire building,"God bless President Donald Trump"!
 If there is one thing that Judaism values and teaches more than any other personal or national character trait it is the concept or "hakarat hatov" or appreciation.
Lacking this trait, we can not value or enjoy anything with which we have been blessed.

I happen to live in the same neighborhood as the US embassy and it is a pleasure to see how the city has festooned the area in honor of the great occasion to take place in a few days God willing.

Why is it a great occasion?
The nations have, with their actions, decided that Israel is indeed the center of the world.
No other country or people has met anything close to the attention and usually ire and criticism if not open hostility of the world than the teensy desert country built by a handful of refugees.
It seems that since Israel's return to herself the world knew no rest.
I laugh when I think how unlikely and illogical this phenomenon is, yet it true, and for those attuned to the word of Hashem through His prophets, it comes as no surprise but rather as an exhilarating rush.

History offers outstanding examples of non-Jews who understood this and placed themselves, their words and actions on the side of God in history and of His People.
Cyrus of Persia is the most famous example. Alexander the Great spared Jerusalem for which in turn Alexander became an accepted Jewish first name.
Lord Balfour is a modern example with his Balfour declaration.

Their names are ingrained in the hearts of Jews forever.
There is no memory as long as the Jewish memory.

Leaders concerned with their legacy and posterity should keep this in mind.

President Obama knew which legacy he desired to leave.
When he made the now famous round of extreme self-effacing visits in the Muslim world while he ignored Israel on this first presidential trip he was rushing to establish his legacy.
He did not like us. He seemed to gush love for corrupt kings and dictators. It's a "progressive" thing...
As much as he fawned on the corrupt Arab tyrants so did he heap continual scorn on  Israel's democratically elected leader.
As his last act in office, he just had to get one last lick against the home of the Jews when he voted with the other corrupt nations, against Israel at the UN.
We do not forget.

Then there is president Trump.
I don't know much about the private lives of King Cyrus, Lord Balfour, Alexander the Great (I do know something about FDR, Kennedy, and Clinton..)

Standing strong against an effete, elitists, smug establishment who heaped scorn on him at every turn, he dared propose an agenda that the "Progressive Left" automatically hated.
Included in this group are a disproportional numbers of-of course - Jews.

The same  useful idiots that once idolized Stalin are today holding the banner for Obama and loathe Trump.
(In Israel, the Left anti-religious kibbutzim flew black flags in mourning when the mass killer and antisemite Stalin finally was sent  to hell)

Trump can recognize Jerusalem as our capital, stand with Israel against Iran, the country that has been preparing itself for Israel's destruction and more; it doesn't matter, the useful idiots are consistent.
Their smug smiles are pasted on.

This morning as I admired the beautiful sign on my street, I met a neighbor walking his dog. As he looked at the sign he broke into a  laugh with smug and disdain all over his face.
He attends the synagogue I go to and; yes, he is a Lefty.

I asked him," what is so funny? Isn't appreciation a central tenet of Judaism. I got no answer; just more laughs.
I wondered how long a time it took the useful idiots to stop laughing after Stalin left us?

There are some things I never got answers to. This riddle remains one of the biggies.
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