Sunday, September 24, 2017

YOUTUBE Suspends, Deletes Pamela Geller's Account - Geller Report


Update: Sep 25, 2017

Yaaass! @YouTube REINSTATES Pamela Geller’s Account, thanks to YOU
Freedom of Speech and Expression for leftists is legally a matter to fight for and win so long as such Expression agrees and is in sync with leftist agenda... and so long as one doesn't expose a leftist agenda of lies, hate and propaganda. 

Pamela Geller is someone the leftists hate, as her operation will do just that and expose the truth against Radical Islam etc.  

These leftists, the "Champions of Freedom of Expression", will then go all out to mercilessly suppress her rights of Freedom of Expression revealing their true colors and the hypocrites that they are.

Why haven't the bigshot lawyers yet called their bluff and when will such lawyers stop  empowering these bullies by defending their rights of Freedom of Expression. 

 Hey...why use energies and talents embedded in a fight against BDS to defend the rights of Freedom of Expression  of BDS bullies.  Instead use your G-d given talents to defend rights of Freedom of Expression of Pamele Geller and the like, to save her from those who actively suppress her Freedom of Expression?  

Alan Dershowitz where are you? I hope you and your colleagues get it now. You lawyers who spoke eloquently against BDS while passionately defending BDS' freedom of Expression in the UN. Can't you see that you were being useful  idiots to defend their  Freedom of Expression  to teach lies and propaganda to a naive and clueless audience, to naive and clueless young students or members of a food coop while they control the narrative and successfully  suppress Freedom of Expression of Zionists, pro Trumpers, those exposing dangers of Radical Islam and Islamophobia. 

Leftists funded by the likes of Soros are literally on the warpath to suppress Conservatives, pro Israel, pro IDF narratives not to mention  those promoting Jewish Settlements in Judea and Samaria etc. Their goal is to own the narrative and keep the audience  clueless and misinformed. They pick platforms which are disguised as educational and poison it with lies and propaganda be it in the media, on college campus, in elementary schoolbooks, in food coop newspapers, reading groups, disciplinary committees and general meetings. Yet you continue to defend their rights to do so?

Time now to do Teshuva. Pamele Geller may not have the funding to pay your steep fees but do it to save Freedom of Speech before you will become a pawn on the side of evil.

Lay people like myself, not blinded by this money trail see this suppression as a serious threat  and violation of our basic Freedoms....

YouTube,Google, Facebook etc are empowering  evil by suppressing those exposing evil. This is extremely dangerous and scary. As Pamela Geller suggests, let us call for an investigation of the money trail and spread news about this censorship  like wildfire. 

How many such censorship and suppression  will it take before people wake up and look for alternatives to these social media giants and demand laws put in place to protect the consumer.  All of us practically have become dependent on Google, YouTube, Facebook and the like.   Censorship of Pamele Geller is 1984 Big Brother  morality judgement against those who actively engage to fight radical Islam and a leftist agenda. Even if the enemy unites enmasse as one to protest Pamele Geller's youtubes, and many complaints are received against Pamele Geller, this should not be the deciding factor but rather it still should pass through a review board to accurately determine the truthful nature and content of the material.

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