Saturday, September 30, 2017

US State Dept ‘Clarifies’ Ambassador Friedman’s Remarks on Settlements | The Jewish Press | Hana Levi Julian | 11 Tishri 5778 – September 30, 2017 |


Actually G-d's Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob includes ALL of Judea and Samaria and not "most of it." The Covenant in Brit bein  HaBesarim include boundaries of Israel  extending up to the Euphrates. Use that as a starting point for negotiation. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq would flourish under Israel's Sovereignty. No chemical weapons and access to better medical facilities as starters.

Judea and Samaria under Israel's Sovereignty is the best solution and prospect for peace for the Palestinians and for nonJews. Non Jewish residents need only accept Jewish Sovereignty and they will live as a Ger Toshav status in Peace and Prosperity way better than in any other Arab Country. However if they are not convinced, Israel has an open door policy and they are free to leave. Is it fair that there are at least 22 Arab countries in the immediate surrounding territory not to mention countless Muslim countries. There is presently only one Jewish State.  Israel will be better for the Ger Toshav from an economic, health and educational standpoint.

 If the PA insist on becoming a hostile State on Israel's border their own people will pay the price big time. World peace will as well. Just speak to son of Hamas!

The State Dept feels it has a monopoly on deciding US foreign policy even though the Republican Platform removed the 2 State Solution from its platform. This upgraded Platform without a Palestinian State received a standing ovation at the Republican convention. Oslo endangered Israel especially when it gave away it's oil fields forcing Israel to be dependent on others for it's power supply. Gush Katif expulsion rained rockets on Southern Israel. Giving up parts of Judea and Samaria the high ground puts Ben Gurion and the millions residing in Gush Dan (Tel Aviv etc)  heavy population centers within rocket reach and compromises it's supply of water as well. But the real issue is that it is a nullification of the Torah.

Trump's base of Evangelicals supports the Biblical narrative of History rather that the Palestinian propaganda of lies which the State Department has embraced as US policy. 

I wouldn't start up with G-d if I was them...Harvey, Irma, earthquakes etc.

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