Thursday, September 07, 2017

Re: Senator Gillibrand says End campus sexual assault. Hypocrisy. Why does she support Linda Sarsour?


Senator Gillibrand,

If you so much want to protect women why do you support Linda Sarsour who advocates for Sharia and Jihad whose laws are terribly sexually abusive for women? Just ask recently freed Yezidi sex slaves how they were treated under Islam?

Why did you support the Iran Deal whose govt wishes to nuke Israel and whose Islamic laws are not exactly protective of women. Unless you love wearing burkas and wearing coverings from head to toe and not leaving your house without an escort.

Why did Obama empower Radical Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood who abuse their women as part and parcel of Sharia law embedded in Islam? 

Therefore, you can not convince me that Obama was protective of women on campus. 

If you support Linda Sarsour, you support BDS groups who routinely suppress freedom of speech against radical Islam, against the lies and false narrative of Palestinian victimization by the IDF. These leftist  groups routinely are also violent and hostile to pro Trump, pro Israel,  conservatives and those who are pro Life.

May G-d help us from such self righteous expression of indignation. You are projecting your own betrayal of women by having advicated for Linda Sarsour!

Just ask Ayaan Hirsi Ali who has been banned from speaking on college campus. Why don't you advocate for her?

On Sep 7, 2017 7:47 PM, "Kirsten Gillibrand" <> wrote:

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced today that the Trump administration will roll back protections for sexual assault victims on campus put in place by President Obama. This is offensive, outrageous and a cruel betrayal of students.

Survivors of sexual assault have too often been let down by their universities and re-victimized by this broken system when what they deserve is justice and a fair process for all. What they deserve is to be heard. What they deserve is to be believed.

I hear them. I believe them. And if you do too, I hope you'll join me in urging Congress to pass legislation to hold colleges and universities accountable, increase transparency and give schools more resources to support survivors of sexual assault. We need to take this into our own hands and act now. It is ridiculous that in this day and age a university can have a different process to investigate and punish sexual assault for their athletes than for other students.

Click here to add your voice to demand Congress pass legislation now to end campus sexual assault.

Thank you for standing up for what's right,


Paid for by Gillibrand for Senate

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