Monday, September 11, 2017

Fwd: Shared a post - 9/11 message From David Bedein, John Bolton, Daniel Greenfield and Pamela Geller "It’s a day the left would rather we ignore...", a question to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand in response to her 9/11 msg not to forget


Senator Gillibrand:

Aren't you forgetting 9/11 when  you support the likes of Linda Sarsour who white washes Radical Islam and Jihad? Also, why did you vote for the Iran Deal? If North Korea who Obama ignored, attacked, will you then memorialize the victims? And will hugging our children be any comfort?

Memorializing the victims are superfluous unless prevention is taken seriously.

David Bedein investigative reporter of Israel Behind the News: Watching the World Trade Center Implode, Following the Reaction in Israel and the Palestinian Authority

John R. Bolton Chairman of Gatestone Institute former Ambassador to the United Nations:  16 Years Later: Lessons Put into Practice?

Everything I Needed to Know About Islam I Learned on 9/11 - Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

Online users unearth footage of Al Jazeera anchor justifying 9/11 attacks

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Google+ (Pamela Geller Editor-in-Chief)" <>
Date: Sep 11, 2017 5:28 PM
Subject: Shared a post - ""It's a day the left would rather we ignore..."
To: <>

Pamela Geller Editor-in-Chief shared a post.
"It's a day the left would rather we ignore. It's a day that Islamic supremacists secretly and not so secretly celebrate. It's a day the elites call a day of service. In service to whom? The attackers? The simpering soft selling and apologetics is a deliberate distraction and a diversion from discussing the enemy and their ideology. September 11th is national day of mourning. Period."

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Videos and Photos: 9/11: NEVER GIVE IN - NEVER FORGET! - Geller Report
"It's a day the left would rather we ignore. It's a day that Islamic supremacists secretly and not so secretly celebrate. It's a day the elites cal...

Re Kirsten Gillibrand's 9/11 message:
Never forget.
Sixteen years ago today, we lost thousands of American lives in one of the greatest tragedies this country has ever known. Even today, this many years later, the death toll continues onward as too many of our heroic first responders are sick and dying from the toxins they breathed in on the pile at Ground Zero. Sadly, more NYPD officers have died since 9/11 due to their 9/11-related illnesses than died on 9/11 itself. In the past year alone, we've painfully lost dozens of first responders. Among them was my friend and FDNY firefighter Ray Pfeifer, a true giant of a man who lived his life doing good for others.
I got to know many first responders like Ray as we worked together to pass the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act. These were men and women whose bravery knew no bounds. We owe them a debt of gratitude.
I try to think about what it must have felt like to be in their boots and uniforms that day. When the towers fell, our heroes never thought twice. Tragically, some first responders never got out of the burning buildings they ran into to save others. Other first responders spent months working in the ash and rubble, day after day, looking for survivors. This is who we are as Americans. They were shining lights in the darkness.
When New York was hurting, those responders came from all over the country to support us. So I hope you'll also extend gratitude and support for the brave men and women working in dangerous conditions on the hurricane and fire recovery efforts in Florida, Texas and out west.
Please join me in taking a moment to honor all the loved ones we lost sixteen years ago today and the heroes who have given so much since.
I hope you'll join me in sending thoughts and prayers to everyone whose pain and loss feels overwhelming today. And I'd encourage you to hold your own loved ones a little tighter.

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