Sunday, June 11, 2017

Fwd: Shell Games Mike Huckabees on Jeff Sessions Story, Questions to ask Comey under investigation, Shell games never taking direct responsibility of terror due to dumb government policies

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From: Mike Huckabee <>
Date: Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 9:14 AM
Subject: Shell Games


The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 

Today's Commentary:  The Jeff Sessions Story -- A Story You Never Heard Of -- Shell Games



If you keep up with politics, you've probably heard the story about Attorney General Jeff Sessions offering to resign if President Trump is upset with him over the DOJ's legal defense of his temporary ban on immigration from six terrorism-plagued nations (I know that description's not as pithy as saying "Muslim ban," but it has the slight advantage of being accurate.) So why didn't I comment on it sooner?

Well, let's see: Comes from an unnamed source. It could only be known for sure by Sessions and Trump themselves, neither of whom would leak it to ABC. And the major corroborating evidence for the unsourced story is that when pressed by reporters on whether Trump has full confidence in Sessions, spokesman Sean Spicer wouldn't comment. Pressed harder, he said he hadn't spoken to Trump about it, and he tends not to comment on things when he hasn't talked to the source. I guess that means he can give up any hopes of ever becoming a political journalist after he leaves the White House.


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

URGENT:  HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 who will pass President Trump's agenda. Help us raise and additional $15,000 in June by chipping in $5 or more today! This will help us reach our budgeted goal!  Thank you!



A Story You Never Heard Of

By Mike Huckabee

All of a sudden, the news site is breaking major stories that the mainstream media are too busy chasing every anti-Trump rumor to notice, and Circa actually tells us their sources. In the latest case, their named source is former UN intelligence contractor Dennis Montgomery, who claims to have walked away with more secret NSA and CIA files than Edward Snowden: a total of about 600 million classified documents on 47 hard drives. But unlike Snowden, Montgomery returned the hard drives after being granted limited immunity in 2015. He claims he did it to provide the FBI with evidence he discovered of a secret program of widespread spying on American citizens, including the illegal unmasking of the identities of over 20 million citizens, along with their credit records, emails, phone conversations and Internet traffic. He claims that the victims of the illegal spying ranged from judges to businessmen to now-President Donald Trump. But hold on: it gets worse.

Montgomery said he returned the hard drives on a promise that the FBI would conduct a full investigation into the massive illegal and unconstitutional surveillance program that Montgomery discovered. Instead, he claims that then-FBI Director James Comey ordered the evidence buried. That could be because, according to Montgomery, all this illegal domestic surveillance by the CIA was being conducted on supercomputers supplied by the FBI. Among the defendants named in his lawsuit are Comey, NSA Director Mike Rogers, former CIA Director John Brennan and former President Barack Obama.

So do you think anyone will bring this up when Comey testifies to Congress today? And if so, what are the odds that all the TV networks that cleared their schedules hoping he'd say anything incriminating against Trump will suddenly cut away to an urgent cat food commercial?


Shell Games

By Mike Huckabee

There are roughly 23,000 terrorist suspects being monitored in the UK, 400 of whom actually went to fight in Syria and came back, and about half of those 400 are in London.  During a TV appearance with Piers Morgan, London Mayor Sadiq Khan was pressed on why the police didn't know where each of them was.  Khan tried to shift blame to government budget cuts, declaring, "I can't follow 400 people."  He said the government had to "prioritize in a sensible, savvy way."  Morgan asked what could possibly be a higher priority than protecting British citizens from known terrorists who had actually fought with ISIS in Syria, possibly against UK troops?  But the more important question is, "Why were they allowed back into the UK in the first place?" 

Mayor Khan attempted to sidestep the question with one of the open borders advocates' favorite dodges: pointing out that the most recent terrorist attackers weren't direct from foreign battlefields, but were "integrated into our way of life."  Well, no: they weren't.  One of them couldn't have made his refusal to integrate into the British way of life any clearer: he actually paraded his violent rejection of Western values on a TV documentary called "The Jihadis Next Door." 

This particular rationalization ("These jihadists weren't outsiders, they were homegrown!") is part of a well-worn shell game.  There are several suicidally stupid policies pushed by the open borders left, and whenever the results of their policies are attacked, they point at the particular dumb policy that doesn't apply to prove they're not to blame without mentioning all the dumb policies that did contribute. 

Examples: they couldn't claim the recent London Bridge attackers were British-born because one was born in Pakistan.  So they split hairs and saif they didn't just come straight from the battlefields of Syria.  In the Manchester attack, they pointed out that the bomber himself wasn't a refugee (but his parents were, which illustrates how their refusal to demand immigrants assimilate can keep multiple generations isolated and hostile to modern British society.)  They say, "We don't have the budget to keep up with so many known terrorist sympathizers in our midst." But why are there so many? Because they refuse to deport them or block their entry.  They allow radical Islamists to preach hatred and violence in the name of free speech, then try to prosecute anyone who speaks up to criticize it.  

Attack after attack, tragedy after tragedy, Europe's liberal leaders always try to weasel out of responsibility by pointing to whichever stupid policy of theirs wasn't the direct cause of that specific attack while ignoring all the others that worked together to create the whole dangerous situation.  But the public is finally beginning to realize that it doesn't matter whether the latest murderous extremist is an immigrant, the offspring of a refugee, or a tenth-generation Brit who got radicalized by people who were allowed to preach violent jihad without any monitoring or consequences.  Bombs, knives and runaway vehicles don't care which kind of radical loon is controlling them; the tragic result is the same.  And it all got rolling with dumb government policies that put political correctness ahead of national security and public safety.


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Message from Huck PAC:  

URGENT:  HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 who will pass President Trump's agenda. Help us raise an additional $15,000 in June by chipping in $5 or more today! This will help us reach our budgeted goal! Thank you!


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